
Suggestions: First Optional Due Date
Before the first optional assignment due date, we will have seen How Men
Propose, Making an American Citizen, The Blot, Christopher
Strong, Craig’s Wife, Not Wanted, Maedchen in Uniform,
and Marianne and Juliane. Your essay may address any two of
these films. The following list of themes should yield fruitful comparisons:
- relationships
between women (friends, mothers/daughters, sisters, classmates, students/teachers)
- romantic
- relationship
between “career” and emotional life
- relationship
between the personal and the political
- critiques
of particular institutions (marriage, family, religion, political parties
or movements)
- gender roles
- class relations/issues
of class
- sex and sexuality
- representations
of immigrants
- the function
of the ending
You may propose
other themes, but you will need to speak to me before proceeding.