Work with the Gent/Cane model
The pressure gradient in sigma coordinates is rather complicated.
See /h/p/k/pacs/inverse/ers/pgfk.jnlb for the correct implementation of Gent/Cane (1989) eqn (55)!
- Mean currents at 180°-140°W: FSU winds: u v ERS winds: u v
- Surface zonal current (ERS winds)
- Mean surface dp/dy (gd(sealevel)/dy)
Looking at the nonlinear terms ...
- Compare total u and ug: 160°E 180° 160°W 140°W 120°W 100°W Surface layer
- Also show advective u: 160°E 180° 160°W 140°W 120°W 100°W
- dP/dx and Tau-x (ERS winds, Johnson CTD, GC model)
- Sverdrup balance comparison (BV=Curl(Tau): 25°S-25°N 15°S-15°N
- Sverdrup and non-Sverdrup transport: Sverdrup non-Sverdrup Check the sum against total (u)
- Mean zonal transports: utotal, ug, uadv
- Compare full winds with Tau/10 ("linear") run: dP/dx and Tau-x Sea level along the Equator EUC (x,z)
- Check the computation of vuy and vvy using mean or time-dependent u and v
- Mean vuy and vvy: Surface values: uux vuy uvx vvy (y,z) section: (180°-140°W)
- Surface layer (uTotal-ug) and -vvy/f