A Joint Conference of AKES, RCIE, and KDI

Korea and the World Economy, III

July 3-4, 2004 , Sungkyunkwan  University, Seoul, Korea

Downloadable Papers

The followings are some of the papers scheduled to be presented in the conference. They are posted for the convenience of the participants and those who are interested in these papers.

Copyrights of the papers are owned by the authors. For the latest version of the papers, please contact the authors directly.

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Trade Liberalization and the Poor: A Framework for Poverty Reduction Policies With Special Reference to Some Asian Countries including India

Tran Van Hoa

Korea’s Trade, Growth of Trade and the World Economy in Post-crisis ASEAN+3 Free Trade Agreement: An Econometric and Policy Analysis

Jian-Ming Zhou

The Irrational Land Use in South Korea and Other Parts of the World: The Root of Agricultural Protectionism Neglected by Schultz and Hirschman

Zhao Yanyun and Zhang Mingqian

R&D and Economic Growth —— Panel Data Analysis in ASEAN+3 Countries

Kegang You and Seiichi Katayama

Is the IPRs Protection working effectively in Developing countries? --- some empirical findings from Japanese FDI in China

Kerk L. Phillips and Scott C. Bradford

The Economic Reunification of Korea: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model

Chen-Min Hsu, Wan-Chun Liu, and Shun-Fa Lee

The Role of Financial Development in Economic Growth: The Experiences of Taiwan, Korea, and Japan

Yingfeng Xu

China can Afford a Bit of Inflation

Eiji Ogawa

Regional Monetary Cooperation in East Asia against Asymmetric Responses to the US Dollar Depreciation

Keun Lee and Mihnsoo Kim

The Rise of China and the Korean Firms: Looking for New Divisions of Labor

Raúl Fuentes

Foreign Aid: Where Your Money Could Be? An Optimal Two-Sector Growth Model Out Lining a Simple Answer

Chen-Min Hsu and Wan-Chun Liu

The Role of Taiwanese Foreign Direct Investment in China: Economic Integration or Hollowing-Out?

Sungwook Yoon The perception of the euro in East Asia: International Vs Regional Currency
Young-Ja Ahn

Comparative Study of the Consciousness/Awareness of Korean American College Students:  Pocket Money Supply—Work Life Cycle (1998-2003)

René Belderbos and Zou Jianglei

Divesture of Foreign Manufacturing Affiliates: Country Platforms, Multinational Networks, and Agglomeration

Konstantin  Korenevskiy

Russia-Korea trade and investment cooperation: current tendencies and perspectives

Tadashi Inoue

On the Dynamic Properties of the Labor-Surplus Economy

Dick Beason

Japan’s growing Asia focus:  Implications for Korea

Sunghwan Kim and Hongkee Kim

An Examination of Micro-economic Fundamentals around the Financial Crisis in Korea: On the Firm Level

Kar-yiu Wong, Taek-Dong Yeo, Young Man Yoon, and Seonghun Yun

Northeast Asia Economic Integration: An Analysis of the Trade Relations among China, Japan, and South Korea

Changmo Ahn, Hong-Bum Kim, and Dongkoo Chang

Monetary Coordination in Northeast Asia: An Option for China-Japan-Korea

Dong-Geun Han, Taek-Dong Yeo, Young-Man Yoon, and Shiyong Yoo

How Will the China-Japan-Korea FTA Affect the Inward FDI to Korea?

Charles Harvie Prospects for an FTA between Australia and Korea
Yang-Taek Lim

Economic Relationship of China -Korea- Japan and Their Technological Cooperation in the IT industry

Yongseung Jung, Frank M. Song, and Seung-Cheol Jeon Financial Integration in Northeast Asia: Prospects and Implications
MoonJoong Tcha

Changing Patterns in Production and Trade in Korea – Findings and Implications

Joonghae Suh

The Industrial Competitiveness of Korea’s IT Industry

Cheonsik Woo Industrial Competitiveness of Korea : Methodology and Findings of KDI’s 2003 Study

Sung Jin Kang, Seong-Hun Yun, and Yasuyuki Sawada

Economic Cooperation of Northeast Asia and Industrial Structuring

Koichi Hamada,

Seung-Cheol Jeon, and Jai-Won Ryou

Asian Bonds Market : Issues, Prospects and Tasks for Cooperation

Wooseok Ok

Policy complementarities in economic development: the case of South Korea

Savas Alpay

Interactions Among Economic Development, Openness to Trade and Environmental  Sustainability With a Case Study on  Korea

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This page was last revised on August 03, 2004.