International Conference

Economic Integration and Economic Growth, II


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The followings are some of the papers scheduled to be presented in the conference. They are posted for the convenience of the participants and those who are interested in these papers. The first listed author generally is the one expected to present the paper.

Copyrights of the papers belong to the authors. For the latest version of the papers, please contact the authors directly.

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Joshua Aizenman, Yothin Jinjarak and Huanhuan Zheng Chinese Outwards Mercantilism - The Art and Practice of Bundling
Joseph Alba Does wage-inflation targeting complement foreign exchange intervention?
Arindam Banik and Rabia Khatun Assessing the Barriers to Trade in Financial Services in BRICS Economies
Lurong Chen IPR Protection and International Trade: Differences from Who Trade and What are Traded
Juyoung Cheong, Do Won Kwak, and Kam Ki Tang Trade Elasticity and Many Zero Flows: Estimates from Product-level Data
Bindu Chhabra Back to the Future? : Challenges and Opportunities for Indian Information Technology Industry in the New Economic Order
Jaehan Cho & Jisoo Kim Heterogeneity in Production Technologies and the Effects of FTAs
Jang-Ting Guo and Shu-Hua Chen Progressive Taxation as an Automatic Destabilizer under Endogenous Growth
Chihiro Inaba The effects of globalization on job choice and unemployment under labor search friction
Hiro Lee and Ken Itakura U.S. Withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Effects of Alternative Trade Integration Scenarios in the Asia-Pacific
Ashok K Nag Does Political Business Cycle exist in India?
Masayuki Otaki A Theory on Origin of Speculative Bubbles and Public Debt Accumulation
Willem Thorbecke Do South Korean Exports Compete with Chinese Exports in Third Markets?
Henry Wan Jr. and An-Chi Tung Industrial Policy: Chinese Debates and Taiwan’s Foundries
Mu-Jeung Yang, Lorenz Kuen, and Nicholas Li The Impact of Emerging Market Competition on Innovation and Business Strategy
Xiaopeng Yin Why do countries prefer to integrate each other: An Unbalanced Growth Approach
Miaojie Yu, Cheng Chen and Wei Tian Outward FDI and Domestic Input Distortions: Evidence from Chinese Firms
Xinding Yu, Zhi WangShang-Jin Wei, and Kunfu Zhu Global Value Chain Participation and Recent Global Business Cycle
Laixun Zhao and Kazumichi Iwasa Inequalities and Patience in Catching up


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  conference page of Kar-yiu Wong

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This page was last revised on March 15, 2017.