University of Washington
Geography 207, Economic Geography
Professor James W. Harrington


Test 1, Winter 1998 (resources, population, interaction, transportation)
Test 2, Winter 1998 (models of economic location and regional economic analysis)
Test 3, Winter 1998 (trade theory and policy, economic development)

Test 1, Summer 1998 (introductory macro and micro economics, economic models of land use)
Test 2, Summer 1998 (transportation)
Test 3, Summer 1998  (industrial location, international trade)
Test 4, Summer 1998  (central place theory, retail location)
Test 5, Summer 1998 (regional economic growth, economic development, environmentalism)

Test 1, Autumn 1998 (basic economic principles, agricultural and urban location-rent models)
Test 2, Autumn 1998 (spatial interaction, transportation, central place theory, retail location)
Test 3, Autumn 1998 (industrial location, international trade theory and policy)
Test 4, Autumn 1998 (resources, economic growth, economic development)

Test 1, Summer 1999 (introductory macro and micro economics, economic models of land use)
Test 2, Summer 1999 (spatial interaction, transportation, central place theory, retail location)
Test 3, Summer 1999 (industrial location, economic growth, economic development, resources, trade theory)

Test 1, Spring 2000 (introductory macro and micro economics, economic models of land use)
Test 2, Spring 2000 (spatial interaction, transportation, retail analysis, GIS)
Test 3, Spring 2000 (industrial location, central place theory, regional economic growth)
Test 4, Spring 2000 (resources, trade, development)

revised 23 June 2000