TC 310, Spring
The Computer in Technical Communication

Instructor: Jennifer Turns
Office: 245 Engineering Annex
Office Hours: TBD
Telephone: 206-221-3650


  • Check them out.. the professional portfolios created by this class:
  • 6/1/03: Wow - the quarter is almost over. You have probably seen most of the newly available items. The most recently available are the learning portfolio assignment (see assignments) and the slides for Monday, June 2, 2003 (see notes). Please feel free to raise professional portfolio questions in Monday's class. I look forward to seeing all of the portfolios during the open house on Wednesday.

  • 5/4/03: We are officially in the second half of the quarter! Keep up the good work. Newly available items include:

  • 4/21/03: Newly available items include:

  • 4/16/03: Newly available items include assignment 4 (Sitemap in Visio), a Visio tutorial (available in software resources section), links to some sample sitemaps (available in software resources section), and a document illustrating the editing/markup capabilities of Microsoft Word (also available in the software resources section).

  • 4/9/03: New Photoshop tutorial materials are now available in the software resources section of the website.

  • 4/7/03: Getting started on PowerPoint. The slides for today's class (class 3) are now available in the class notes section of the website. Also, the assignment 3 is now available on the assignment section of the website, and the Photoshop resources are available in the Software/tools section of the website.

  • The slides for today's class (class 2) are now available in the class notes section of the website.

  • 3/31/03: The first three assignments are now available.

  • 3/28/03: Initial student survey is now available. This survey is due on 4/1/03 at 5:00 pm.

  • 3/27/03: The following items are now available:

  • 3/27/03: Welcome to TC310!

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Last modified: 12/20/2003 7:10 pm