TC 310, Spring
The Computer in Technical Communication


Quick reference:

The Assignments

  1. Document Management / Word (due 4/2)

  2. Presentation Design / Powerpoint (due 4/7)

  3. Graphics / Photoshop (due 4/14)

  4. Diagrams / Visio (due 4/21)

  5. Web / HTML (due 4/28)

  6. Web / Dreamweaver (due 5/5)

  7. Online Help / Robohelp (due 5/12)

  8. Page Layout / InDesign (due 5/19)

  9. Professsional Portfolio (due 6/4)

  10. Learning Portfolio (due 6/9)

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Last modified: 6/1/2003 11:07 pm