





Dept. Home Page


TC310, Autumn 2001
The Computer in Technical Communication 


Instructor: Jennifer Turns

Office: Engineering Annex 245

Office Hours: Monday, 1-3 OR By Appointment

e-mail: jturns@engr.washington.edu

Phones: 206-221-3650

Class Meeting Location:  LOW 115 (TC Computer Lab)



12/12/01: See Images from the 2001 Professional TC Portfolio Design Competition.

12/12/01: The professional portfolios have been submitted.  The links below will take you to the portfolios:

11/15/01: The materials for the Web tutorial, part 2  are now posted.

11/13/01: The materials for the HTML class activity are now posted.  These materials include: the activity, the background graphic, the image of a web page, and the final page.

11/13/01:  Assignment 8N is now posted. 

11/6/01:  To play with the help system resulting from today's demo, click here.

11/6/01:  Assignment 7N is now posted. I have also posted the travel information text file containin the materials needed for the assignment.  Note that the "N" in "Assignment 7N" refers to the modified schedule.  

11/6/01:  I have modified the schedule for the last few weeks of class.  The modified schedule provides more time for the final project and provides a break for all of Thanksgiving week. 

11/1/01:  Assignment 6 is now posted, along with files required for the Thursday (11/1) in-class activityAssignment 5 is also posted for posterity. 

10/19/01:  Currently recorded grades are now available.  Your grades are organized according the last four digits of your student id. 

10/19/01:  Questions about assignments?  Please email questions to t_c___310a4@u.washington.edu. (Note:   This email must be sent from your u.washington.edu account for it to work).   Email sent to this address is distributed to all class participants (any of whom can respond).  That way, you can maximize the chance of getting a timely response.

10/19/01:  Assignment 4 is now posted.  This assignment is due on 10/23/01 at 4:00 pm. 

10/19/01:  Photoshop training materials from class on 10/18 are now available.

10/9/01:  The file needed for class on Tuesday, 10/9, is located here.

10/9/01:  Assignment 3 is now posted.  This assignment is due on 10/16/01 at 4:00 pm.  The sample word document necessary for the assignment can be downloaded from here.

10/4/01:  Assignment 2 is now posted.  This assignment is due on 10/9/01 at 4:00 pm.

10/4/01:  The electronic submission area for the class can be reached from here or from the schedule/assignments page.

10/2/01:  The web-based survey due on 10/4/01 can be reached from this link.

10/2/01:  Welcome to TC310


 Last Updated:

Contact the instructor at: jturns@u.washington.edu