Biographical Timeline | Leadership Qualities | Little Shell Chippewa Recognition | References

The Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians were federally recognized as the 574th Tribe in the United States December of 2019. Little Shell had been fighting for recognition since the 1930’s, making this battle almost 100 years long. Being federally recognized is such an important aspect to many Tribes and affects their sovereignty in several different ways. Becoming the 574th federally recognized Tribe opened many doors for the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians and they are now able to obtain and practice privileges the United States government promised in the treaties signed with Native Americans.
Ramona Bennett, being the woman she is and having fought the battles she has, would be very happy for the Little Shell of Chippewa Indians in our opinion. After that long of a battle, as well as having to sacrifice and feel the world around them continue to deem the lack of recognition as them being not Indian. Ramona having been a part of so many issues around Tribal policy and recognition in different fields would not only be pleased by this but also agree that the recognition process needs to change.She would say not only does the application process take years, clearly as Little Shell’s recognition shows, but the services and that many of the individuals in these Tribes need are not provided or cared for until the Tribe itself is recognized. Services such as Health care and social services for example are not governed by the tribe thus members are forced to seek help elsewhere, falling into a cycle as many western practices do not completely understand Native American circumstances, issues, or ways of going about things and so do not provide the correct services or help that the the Tribe would be able to should it have had the power and services. Most of Ramonas work was around social work, and this Tribe being able to finally have the proper services is something she would always agree with.
Ramona’s part in the historical Fish Wars of the 1970’s is why we chose this current event to focus on and discuss her response. Much like the Boldt decision finally giving recognition to the Washington state tribes and their Treaty rights, the recognition of the little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians was a long fought battle that in all honesty should have never been one. These promises and agreements made with the united states government should be upheld entirely and not taken back when they no longer profit or provide anything for the United States. Ramona would be crying happy tears and cheering loud along with all the other warriors of the Native communities, after fighting so long it seems almost normal to have to and once it’s over and you actually win there is a astounding overwhelming feeling that is not even imaginable.
As she spent many years on Tribal Council she would say, that although the fight is over the work is not done for the Little Chippewa Indians. Now that recognition has been established there is much to do around establishing themselves as a Nation, community, and people.
She would congratulate them, thank them for not giving up on themselves, and most likely give whoever she was speaking to from their Tribe a hug.