Biographical Timeline | Leadership Qualities | Ainu Sovereignty | References
Heidi Resing

Born and raised in the north Seattle area, I grew up swimming, playing soccer, and climbing trees. I still enjoy swimming, and am a swim coach for a club swim team, and have spent many summers as a lifeguard at an outdoor pool. In my second year at the University of Washington, I am studying Mechanical Engineering, and am a member of the UW Chapter of Engineers Without Borders. I work with the local projects team, and have been working to build solar-powered phone charging stations for Husky Stadium.
My favorite way to spend my time is outdoors, especially if I am backpacking, as I was in the picture above, when some friends and I spent the night in the Mount Pilchuck fire lookout along with a mouse. Someday I hope to thru hike the entire Pacific Crest Trail in segments or in a summer. I am excited to pursue a new opportunity this summer in working with the United States Forest Service as a wild-land firefighter.