I grew up in West Seattle and I’m a second year student at the University Washington. A graduate of Nova Project alternative high school, I’m going into the Community and Environmental Planning program in the college of built environments–designing our environments, housing, and transportation to improve equity, community, sustainability, and and accessibility, while minoring in Geography and Comparative History of Ideas. I hope to do work that fights against the hierarchies of capitalism, gender roles, patriarchy, racism, homophobia, and transphobia. I publish articles, primarily focused on Seattle politics and housing, on my own site. I’m a member of Tent City Collective: a group of UW students, Tent City 3 encampment residents, and broader Seattle community members working together to address the housing justice crisis in Seattle. In the past, TCC lobbied for and facilitated the hosting of TC3 on UW’s campus, and we hope to do the same again.