Peer-reviewed and Upcoming Publications
(*) denotes former graduate student, (+) post-doc, (**) undergraduate student author.
- Khangaonkar T., A. Nugraha, S.K. Yun, L. Premathilake, J.E. Keister, and J. Bos. 2021. Propagation of the 2014–2016 Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwave through the Salish Sea. 2021. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 8:787604. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.787604.
- +Hiltunen, M., U. Strandberg, A.K. Winans, D.A. Beauchamp, M. Kotila, M.T. Brett, and J.E. Keister. 2021. Taxonomic, temporal, and spatial variation in zooplankton fatty acid composition in Puget Sound, WA, USA. Estuaries and Coasts:
- *Keil, K.E., T. Klinger, J.E. Keister, and A.K. McLaskey. 2021. Estimating relative sensitivities of zooplankton to ocean acidification in a temperate coastal sea. Frontiers in Marine Sciences:
- *McLaskey, A.K. and J.E. Keister. 2021. An integrated field-laboratory investigation of the effects of low oxygen and pH on North Pacific krill (Euphausia pacifica). Marine Biology 168(43): 10.1007/s00227-021-03845-8.
- Khangaonkar T., A. Nugraha, P. Lakshitha, J.E. Keister, and A. Borde. 2020. Projections of algae, eelgrass, and zooplankton ecological interactions in the inner Salish Sea – for future climate and altered oceanic states. Journal of Ecological Modeling: 441, 109420,
- *Moriarty, P.E., T.E. Essington, J.K. Horne, J.E. Keister, S. Parker-Setter, and +M. Sato. 2020. Unexpected food web responses to low dissolved oxygen in an estuarine fjord. Ecological Applications:
- *McLaskey, A.K., J.E. Keister, and L. Yebra. 2020. Individual growth rate (IGR) and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARS) activity as individual-based indicators of growth rate of North Pacific krill, Euphausia pacifica. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 527: 151360,
- **Herrmann, B. and J.E. Keister . 2020. Species composition and distribution of jellyfish in a seasonally hypoxic estuary, Hood Canal, Washington. Diversity:12,53. doi:10.3390/d12020053.
- Keister, J.E., A.K. Winans, and B. Herrmann. 2020. Zooplankton community response to seasonal hypoxia: a test of three hypotheses. Diversity:12,21. doi:10.3390/d12010021
- Schwing, F.B., M.J. Sissenwine, H. Batchelder, H.G. Dam, J. Gómez-Gutiérreze, J.E. Keister , H. Liu, J.O. Peterson. 2020. William (Bill) Peterson's contributions to ocean science, management, and policy. Progress in Oceanography 182: 102241.
- Engström-Öst, J., O. Glippa, R.A. Feely, M. Kanerva, J.E. Keister, S.R. Alin, B.R. Carter, A.K. McLaskey, K.A. Vuori, and N. Bednaršek. 2019. Eco-physiological responses of copepods and pteropods to ocean warming and acidification. Nature Scientific Reports 9:4748:
- *McLaskey, A.K., P. McElhany, S. Bush, M. Maher, A. Winans, and J.E. Keister. 2019. Early life stages of Calanus pacificus are neither exposed nor sensitive to low pH waters. Journal of Plankton Research 41(6): 893–896.
- +Li, L., J.E. Keister, T.E. Essington, and J. Newton. 2019. Vertical distribution and abundance of Euphausia pacifica in relation to oxygen and temperature in a seasonally hypoxic fjord. Journal of Plankton Research 41(2): 188-202.
- *McLaskey, A.K., J.E. Keister, +K.L. Schoo, M.B. Olson, and B. Love. 2019. Direct and indirect effects of elevated CO2 are revealed through shifts in phytoplankton, copepod development, and fatty acid accumulation. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213931.
- *Ruz, P., P. Hidalgo, R. Escribano, J.E. Keister, L. Yebra, B. Franco-Cisterna. 2018. Hypoxia effects on females and early stages of Calanus chilensis in the Humboldt Current ecosystem (23°S). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology 498: 61-71.
- +Sato, M., J.E. Horne, S. Parker-Stetter, T. Essington, J.E. Keister, *P. Moriarty, +L. Li, J. Newton. 2016. Impacts of oxygen on fish and zooplankton prey distributions in a coastal fjord. Marine Ecology Progress Series 560: 57–72.
- *McLaskey, A.K., J.E. Keister, P. McElhany, B. Olson, S. Bush, A. Winans. 2016. Development of Euphausia pacifica (krill) larvae is impaired under pCO2 levels currently observed in the Northeast Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series 555: 65-78.
- **Grodzins, M., *P.M. Ruz, and J.E. Keister. 2016.Effects of oxygen depletion on field distributions and laboratory survival of the marine copepod Calanus pacificus. Journal of Plankton Research doi:10.1093/plankt/fbw063.
- +Sato, M., J.E. Horne, S. Parker-Stetter, J.E. Keister. 2015. Acoustic classification of coexisting taxa in a coastal ecosystem. Fisheries Research 172: 130–136.
- *Ruz, P., P. Hidalgo, *S. Yáñez, R. Escribano, J.E. Keister. 2015. Egg production and hatching success of Calanus chilensis and Acartia tonsa in the northern Chile upwelling zone (23°S), Humboldt Current System. Journal of Marine Systems 148: 200–212.
- Hirst A.G., J.E. Keister, A.J. Richardson, P. Ward, R.S. Shreeve, R.V. Escribano. 2014. Re-assessing copepod growth results from the Moult Rate Method. Journal of Plankton Research. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbu045.
- E. Di Lorenzo, *V. Combes, J.E. Keister, P.T. Strub, A. Thomas, P.J.S. Franks, M. Ohman, A. Bracco, S. Bograd, W.T. Peterson, F. Schwing, S. Chiba, B. Taguchi, S. Hormazabal, C. Parada. 2013. Synthesis of Pacific Ocean Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics. Oceanography 26(4): 68-81,
- Chiba, S., E. Di Lorenzo, *A. Davis, J.E. Keister, B. Taguchi, Y. Sasai, H. Sugisaki. 2013. Large-scale climate control on transport and zooplankton biogeography in the Kuroshio Oyashio Extension region. Geophysical Research Letters 40: 5182-5187, doi:10.1002/grl.50999.
- Ross, T., J.E. Keister, and *A.L. Lopes. 2013. On the use of high-frequency broadband sonar to classify biological scattering layers from a cabled observatory in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. Methods in Oceanography 5: 19-38.
- Keister, J.E. and L.B. Tuttle. 2013. Effects of bottom-layer hypoxia on spatial distributions and community structure of zooplankton in a sub-estuary of Puget Sound, WA, USA.,Limnology and Oceanography 58: 667-680.
- Keister, J. E., D. Bonnet, S. Chiba, C.L. Johnson, D. L. Mackas, and R. Escribano. 2012. Zooplankton population connections, community dynamics, and climate variability. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69: 347–350.
- *Salmi, M., H.P. Johnson, I. Leifer, and J.E. Keister. 2011. Behavior of methane seep bubbles over a pockmark on the Cascadia Continental Margin. Geosphere 7: 1273-1283, doi:10.1130/GES00648.1.
- Keister, J.E., E. Di Lorenzo, C.A. Morgan, V. Combes, and W.T. Peterson. 2011. Copepod species composition is linked to ocean transport in the Northern California Current. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02383.x.
- Keister, J.E., D.L. Pascual, N. Kelly, J. Llopiz, S. Moseman, L. Petes, K.N. Hopfensperger, J. Clasen, and B. Bancroft. 2010. Climate and anthropogenic change in aquatic environments: a cross-ecosystem perspective. In: Ecological Dissertations in Aquatic Sciences: Proceedings of the 2008 Symposium, Chapter 1, 1-16. L&O. Methods.
- Keister, Julie E., Timothy J. Cowles, William T. Peterson, and Cheryl A. Morgan. 2009. Do upwelling filaments result in predictable biological distributions in coastal upwelling ecosystems? Prog. in Oceanogr, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2009.07.042.
- Keister, Julie E., William T. Peterson, and Stephen D. Pierce. 2008. Zooplankton distribution and cross-shelf transfer of carbon in an area of complex mesoscale circulation in the northern California Current. Deep Sea Research I, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2008.09.004.
- Keister, Julie E. and P. Ted Strub. 2008. Spatial and interannual variability in mesoscale circulation in the Northern California Current System. J. Geophys. Res., 113, C04015, doi:10.1029/2007JC004256.
- Suchman, Cynthia L., Elizabeth A. Daly, Julie E. Keister, William T. Peterson, and Richard D. Brodeur. 2008. Prey selection and predation potential of scyphomedusae in a highly productive upwelling region. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 358: 161-172.
- Huyer, Adriana, Jane H. Fleischbein, Julie Keister, P. Michael Kosro, Natalie Perlin, Robert L. Smith, and Patricia A. Wheeler. 2005. Two coastal upwelling domains in the Northern California Current System. J. Mar. Res 63: 901-929.
- Keister, Julie E., Travis B. Johnson, Cheryl A. Morgan, and William T. Peterson. 2005. Biological indicators of the timing and direction of warm-water advection during the 1997/98 El Niño off the central Oregon coast, USA. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 295: 43-48.
- Keister, J.E. and W.T. Peterson. 2003. Zonal and seasonal variations in zooplankton community structure off the central Oregon coast, 1998-2000. Progr. Oceanogr. 57: 341-361.
- Peterson, W.T. and J.E. Keister. 2003. Interannual variability in copepod community composition at a coastal station in the northern California Current: a multivariate approach. Deep Sea Res. II: 50: 2499-2517.
- Breitburg, D.L., A. Adamack, K.A. Rose, S.E. Kolesar, M.B. Decker, J.E. Purcell, J.E. Keister, and J.H. Cowan, Jr. 2003. The pattern and influence of low dissolved oxygen in the Patuxent River, a seasonally hypoxic estuary. Estuaries 26 (2A): 280-297.
- Peterson, W.T. and J.E. Keister. 2002. The effect of a large cape on distribution patterns of coastal and oceanic copepods off Oregon and northern California during the 1998-1999 El Nino-La Nina. Progr. Oceanogr. 53: 389-411.
- Peterson, W.T., J.E. Keister, and L.R. Feinberg. 2002. The effects of the 1997-99 El Niño/La Niña events on hydrography and zooplankton off the central Oregon coast. Progr. Oceanogr. 54: 381-398.
- Keister, Julie E., Edward D. Houde, and Denise L. Breitburg. 2000. Effects of bottom-layer hypoxia on abundances and depth distributions of organisms in Patuxent River, Chesapeake Bay. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 205: 43-59.
- Iverson, T.K., J.E. Keister, and R.D. McDonald. 1999. Summary of the Evaluation of Fish Passage through Three Surface Spill Gate Designs at Rock Island Dam in 1996. In: Innovations in Fish Passage Technology. AFS Publications, M. Odeh, Ed, 224 pp.
- Keister, J.E. and M. Crewson. 2018. Improving salmon survival forecasts through prey field monitoring and indicator development. Final report to the NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy program.