Catalyst SimpleSite

Usage statistics for jjones2/ on

Summary Period: January 2009
Generated 01-Feb-2009 03:37 PST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2009
Total Hits 1275
Total Files 1166
Total Pages 1063
Total Visits 410
Total KBytes 96942
Total Unique Sites 37
Total Unique URLs 141
Total Unique Referrers 41
Total Unique User Agents 20
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1 146
Hits per Day 41 167
Files per Day 37 165
Pages per Day 34 166
Visits per Day 13 19
KBytes per Day 3127 15628
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1166
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 18
Code 304 - Not Modified 68
Code 404 - Not Found 23

Daily usage for January 2009

Daily Statistics for January 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 51 4.00% 44 3.77% 41 3.86% 18 4.39% 5 13.51% 7759 8.00%
2 34 2.67% 28 2.40% 22 2.07% 15 3.66% 3 8.11% 83 0.09%
3 59 4.63% 56 4.80% 39 3.67% 13 3.17% 5 13.51% 140 0.14%
4 28 2.20% 25 2.14% 24 2.26% 18 4.39% 5 13.51% 7765 8.01%
5 42 3.29% 35 3.00% 32 3.01% 17 4.15% 5 13.51% 647 0.67%
6 24 1.88% 18 1.54% 16 1.51% 14 3.41% 4 10.81% 37 0.04%
7 27 2.12% 24 2.06% 17 1.60% 16 3.90% 5 13.51% 7748 7.99%
8 24 1.88% 22 1.89% 20 1.88% 19 4.63% 7 18.92% 15628 16.12%
9 29 2.27% 24 2.06% 27 2.54% 17 4.15% 4 10.81% 7807 8.05%
10 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
11 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
12 21 1.65% 18 1.54% 13 1.22% 11 2.68% 5 13.51% 166 0.17%
13 19 1.49% 17 1.46% 15 1.41% 11 2.68% 2 5.41% 7869 8.12%
14 167 13.10% 165 14.15% 165 15.52% 17 4.15% 4 10.81% 285 0.29%
15 42 3.29% 34 2.92% 32 3.01% 18 4.39% 3 8.11% 7929 8.18%
16 22 1.73% 20 1.72% 12 1.13% 11 2.68% 2 5.41% 77 0.08%
17 48 3.76% 41 3.52% 34 3.20% 16 3.90% 3 8.11% 133 0.14%
18 27 2.12% 23 1.97% 19 1.79% 16 3.90% 4 10.81% 7869 8.12%
19 34 2.67% 31 2.66% 16 1.51% 11 2.68% 3 8.11% 7891 8.14%
20 30 2.35% 27 2.32% 23 2.16% 17 4.15% 5 13.51% 130 0.13%
21 17 1.33% 15 1.29% 13 1.22% 11 2.68% 4 10.81% 7869 8.12%
22 31 2.43% 29 2.49% 20 1.88% 14 3.41% 3 8.11% 7873 8.12%
23 27 2.12% 21 1.80% 22 2.07% 16 3.90% 3 8.11% 121 0.12%
24 20 1.57% 13 1.11% 19 1.79% 13 3.17% 2 5.41% 71 0.07%
25 14 1.10% 14 1.20% 13 1.22% 11 2.68% 3 8.11% 57 0.06%
26 167 13.10% 165 14.15% 166 15.62% 14 3.41% 4 10.81% 244 0.25%
27 162 12.71% 159 13.64% 158 14.86% 12 2.93% 4 10.81% 195 0.20%
28 18 1.41% 16 1.37% 15 1.41% 11 2.68% 2 5.41% 117 0.12%
29 28 2.20% 26 2.23% 19 1.79% 13 3.17% 4 10.81% 144 0.15%
30 50 3.92% 45 3.86% 41 3.86% 13 3.17% 4 10.81% 230 0.24%
31 13 1.02% 11 0.94% 10 0.94% 9 2.20% 2 5.41% 59 0.06%

Hourly usage for January 2009

Hourly Statistics for January 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 0 30 2.35% 0 27 2.32% 0 24 2.26% 255 7911 8.16%
1 1 38 2.98% 1 35 3.00% 1 34 3.20% 255 7916 8.17%
2 0 23 1.80% 0 21 1.80% 0 19 1.79% 3 87 0.09%
3 1 55 4.31% 1 52 4.46% 1 49 4.61% 10 295 0.30%
4 1 41 3.22% 1 37 3.17% 0 22 2.07% 501 15536 16.03%
5 1 50 3.92% 1 43 3.69% 0 24 2.26% 256 7932 8.18%
6 1 33 2.59% 1 33 2.83% 0 26 2.45% 256 7921 8.17%
7 1 45 3.53% 1 41 3.52% 1 45 4.23% 4 138 0.14%
8 1 45 3.53% 1 39 3.34% 1 31 2.92% 9 282 0.29%
9 0 19 1.49% 0 14 1.20% 0 14 1.32% 2 52 0.05%
10 1 38 2.98% 0 30 2.57% 0 26 2.45% 5 140 0.14%
11 0 18 1.41% 0 10 0.86% 0 15 1.41% 1 40 0.04%
12 0 28 2.20% 0 24 2.06% 0 19 1.79% 251 7794 8.04%
13 0 29 2.27% 0 21 1.80% 0 25 2.35% 13 418 0.43%
14 0 24 1.88% 0 22 1.89% 0 16 1.51% 3 79 0.08%
15 0 27 2.12% 0 26 2.23% 0 21 1.98% 4 129 0.13%
16 5 174 13.65% 5 174 14.92% 5 163 15.33% 8 256 0.26%
17 1 39 3.06% 1 37 3.17% 0 27 2.54% 260 8053 8.31%
18 1 31 2.43% 0 24 2.06% 0 25 2.35% 4 134 0.14%
19 1 47 3.69% 1 41 3.52% 1 36 3.39% 250 7758 8.00%
20 1 35 2.75% 1 31 2.66% 0 30 2.82% 5 166 0.17%
21 0 23 1.80% 0 19 1.63% 0 17 1.60% 253 7851 8.10%
22 11 349 27.37% 10 338 28.99% 10 328 30.86% 261 8086 8.34%
23 1 34 2.67% 0 27 2.32% 0 27 2.54% 257 7965 8.22%

Top 30 of 141 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 565 44.31% 522 0.54% /jjones2/
2 33 2.59% 206 0.21% /jjones2/Peer review/
3 31 2.43% 213 0.22% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200901.html
4 17 1.33% 35 0.04% /jjones2/webstats/
5 16 1.25% 454 0.47% /jjones2/Peer review/evalform.doc
6 16 1.25% 172 0.18% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200805.html
7 16 1.25% 220 0.23% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
8 16 1.25% 179 0.18% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200808.html
9 15 1.18% 92 0.09% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200801.html
10 15 1.18% 64 0.07% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200803.html
11 14 1.10% 85071 87.76% /jjones2/extended_log
12 14 1.10% 83 0.09% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200711.html
13 14 1.10% 62 0.06% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200804.html
14 14 1.10% 73 0.08% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200810.html
15 13 1.02% 11 0.01% /jjones2/MC issues/
16 13 1.02% 85 0.09% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200809.html
17 12 0.94% 259 0.27% /jjones2/Peer review/syllabus.shtml
18 11 0.86% 9 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/syllabus.shtml
19 11 0.86% 45 0.05% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200712.html
20 11 0.86% 304 0.31% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200806.html
21 10 0.78% 8 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive
22 10 0.78% 8 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/Assignments.shtml
23 10 0.78% 8 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/SBV faq.pdf
24 10 0.78% 8 0.01% /jjones2/MC issues/syllabus.shtml
25 9 0.71% 7 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/
26 9 0.71% 82 0.08% /jjones2/Peer review/assignments.shtml
27 9 0.71% 7 0.01% /jjones2/Practicum/syllabus 08.doc
28 9 0.71% 73 0.08% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200705.html
29 9 0.71% 38 0.04% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200802.html
30 8 0.63% 7 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/sample report.pdf

Top 10 of 141 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 14 1.10% 85071 87.76% /jjones2/extended_log
2 2 0.16% 7791 8.04% /jjones2/extended_log.old
3 565 44.31% 522 0.54% /jjones2/
4 16 1.25% 454 0.47% /jjones2/Peer review/evalform.doc
5 11 0.86% 304 0.31% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200806.html
6 12 0.94% 259 0.27% /jjones2/Peer review/syllabus.shtml
7 16 1.25% 220 0.23% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
8 31 2.43% 213 0.22% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200901.html
9 33 2.59% 206 0.21% /jjones2/Peer review/
10 7 0.55% 180 0.19% /jjones2/Peer review/report shell.doc

Top 10 of 46 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 565 44.31% 78 20.26% /jjones2/
2 31 2.43% 25 6.49% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200901.html
3 33 2.59% 20 5.19% /jjones2/Peer review/
4 17 1.33% 13 3.38% /jjones2/webstats/
5 16 1.25% 13 3.38% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200808.html
6 16 1.25% 11 2.86% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200805.html
7 11 0.86% 11 2.86% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200806.html
8 16 1.25% 11 2.86% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
9 11 0.86% 10 2.60% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200712.html
10 15 1.18% 10 2.60% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200801.html

Top 10 of 46 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 565 44.31% 86 21.88% /jjones2/
2 31 2.43% 27 6.87% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200901.html
3 33 2.59% 21 5.34% /jjones2/Peer review/
4 15 1.18% 12 3.05% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200801.html
5 16 1.25% 12 3.05% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200805.html
6 16 1.25% 12 3.05% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
7 14 1.10% 11 2.80% /jjones2/extended_log
8 17 1.33% 11 2.80% /jjones2/webstats/
9 12 0.94% 10 2.54% /jjones2/Peer review/syllabus.shtml
10 15 1.18% 10 2.54% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200803.html

Top 30 of 37 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 435 34.12% 435 37.31% 456 0.47% 3 0.73%
2 238 18.67% 214 18.35% 23894 24.65% 72 17.56%
3 195 15.29% 166 14.24% 24191 24.95% 122 29.76%
4 55 4.31% 50 4.29% 182 0.19% 16 3.90%
5 55 4.31% 45 3.86% 7819 8.07% 35 8.54%
6 45 3.53% 37 3.17% 195 0.20% 23 5.61%
7 35 2.75% 28 2.40% 7942 8.19% 20 4.88%
8 31 2.43% 28 2.40% 199 0.20% 22 5.37%
9 27 2.12% 24 2.06% 7839 8.09% 17 4.15%
10 21 1.65% 17 1.46% 7679 7.92% 11 2.68%
11 21 1.65% 17 1.46% 7781 8.03% 15 3.66%
12 19 1.49% 19 1.63% 9 0.01% 1 0.24%
13 13 1.02% 12 1.03% 174 0.18% 1 0.24%
14 11 0.86% 9 0.77% 82 0.08% 1 0.24%
15 9 0.71% 9 0.77% 5 0.00% 9 2.20%
16 9 0.71% 7 0.60% 35 0.04% 7 1.71%
17 8 0.63% 8 0.69% 39 0.04% 6 1.46%
18 6 0.47% 4 0.34% 13 0.01% 6 1.46%
19 6 0.47% 6 0.51% 3 0.00% 5 1.22%
20 4 0.31% 4 0.34% 128 0.13% 1 0.24%
21 4 0.31% 4 0.34% 19 0.02% 1 0.24%
22 4 0.31% 2 0.17% 3 0.00% 2 0.49%
23 3 0.24% 3 0.26% 356 0.37% 1 0.24%
24 3 0.24% 2 0.17% 2 0.00% 1 0.24%
25 3 0.24% 3 0.26% 11 0.01% 2 0.49%
26 2 0.16% 2 0.17% 45 0.05% 1 0.24%
27 2 0.16% 1 0.09% 1 0.00% 1 0.24%
28 2 0.16% 2 0.17% 7 0.01% 1 0.24%
29 1 0.08% 1 0.09% 7697 7.94% 1 0.24%
30 1 0.08% 1 0.09% 125 0.13% 1 0.24%

Top 10 of 37 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 195 15.29% 166 14.24% 24191 24.95% 122 29.76%
2 238 18.67% 214 18.35% 23894 24.65% 72 17.56%
3 35 2.75% 28 2.40% 7942 8.19% 20 4.88%
4 27 2.12% 24 2.06% 7839 8.09% 17 4.15%
5 55 4.31% 45 3.86% 7819 8.07% 35 8.54%
6 21 1.65% 17 1.46% 7781 8.03% 15 3.66%
7 1 0.08% 1 0.09% 7697 7.94% 1 0.24%
8 21 1.65% 17 1.46% 7679 7.92% 11 2.68%
9 435 34.12% 435 37.31% 456 0.47% 3 0.73%
10 3 0.24% 3 0.26% 356 0.37% 1 0.24%

Top 30 of 41 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 791 62.04% - (Direct Request)
2 87 6.82%
3 87 6.82%
4 87 6.82%
5 58 4.55%
6 58 4.55%
7 29 2.27%
8 29 2.27%
9 6 0.47% review/
10 4 0.31%
11 3 0.24%
12 3 0.24% review/index.shtml
13 3 0.24%
14 2 0.16%
15 2 0.16%
16 1 0.08%
17 1 0.08% review
18 1 0.08% review/syllabus.shtml
19 1 0.08%
20 1 0.08%
21 1 0.08%
22 1 0.08%
23 1 0.08%
24 1 0.08%
25 1 0.08%
26 1 0.08%
27 1 0.08%
28 1 0.08%
29 1 0.08%
30 1 0.08%

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 50.00% blackberry8310 manual
2 1 50.00% www.

Top 15 of 20 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 441 34.59% Yahoo! Slurp
2 435 34.12% Opera/9.55
3 276 21.65% Googlebot/2.1
4 19 1.49% MSIE 5.5
5 19 1.49% MSIE 7.0
6 13 1.02% Googlebot-Image/1.0
7 13 1.02% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
8 11 0.86% MJ12bot/v1.2
9 9 0.71% Exabot/3.0
10 9 0.71% MSIE 6.0
11 9 0.71% msnbot/1.1 (+
12 6 0.47% Mozilla/5.0
13 4 0.31% Googlebot/2.1 (+
14 4 0.31% Website Explorer/
15 2 0.16% MSIE or Firefox mutant

Usage by Country for January 2009

Top 7 of 7 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 488 38.27% 412 35.33% 64017 66.04% Network
2 435 34.12% 435 37.31% 456 0.47% Belarus
3 319 25.02% 288 24.70% 31802 32.81% US Commercial
4 19 1.49% 19 1.63% 9 0.01% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
5 10 0.78% 9 0.77% 302 0.31% Unresolved/Unknown
6 3 0.24% 3 0.26% 356 0.37% Brazil
7 1 0.08% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Non-Profit Organization

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
Questions and comments:
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