Catalyst SimpleSite

Usage statistics for jjones2/ on

Summary Period: April 2008
Generated 01-May-2008 03:44 PDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2008
Total Hits 142
Total Files 113
Total Pages 122
Total Visits 92
Total KBytes 38893
Total Unique Sites 43
Total Unique URLs 20
Total Unique Referrers 8
Total Unique Usernames 5
Total Unique User Agents 7
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 0 17
Hits per Day 4 19
Files per Day 3 14
Pages per Day 4 12
Visits per Day 3 9
KBytes per Day 1341 10390
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 113
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 24
Code 304 - Not Modified 3
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 2

Daily usage for April 2008

Daily Statistics for April 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
2 12 8.45% 11 9.73% 11 9.02% 9 9.78% 9 20.93% 5197 13.36%
3 10 7.04% 9 7.96% 10 8.20% 9 9.78% 9 20.93% 10390 26.71%
4 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 2 1.64% 2 2.17% 2 4.65% 1 0.00%
5 18 12.68% 13 11.50% 10 8.20% 4 4.35% 4 9.30% 67 0.17%
6 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
7 2 1.41% 1 0.88% 2 1.64% 2 2.17% 2 4.65% 1 0.00%
8 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
9 9 6.34% 7 6.19% 9 7.38% 8 8.70% 8 18.60% 5197 13.36%
10 4 2.82% 4 3.54% 4 3.28% 4 4.35% 4 9.30% 11 0.03%
11 4 2.82% 2 1.77% 4 3.28% 2 2.17% 2 4.65% 2 0.00%
12 3 2.11% 3 2.65% 3 2.46% 3 3.26% 2 4.65% 1 0.00%
13 6 4.23% 6 5.31% 3 2.46% 2 2.17% 2 4.65% 652 1.68%
14 2 1.41% 1 0.88% 2 1.64% 1 1.09% 1 2.33% 1 0.00%
15 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
16 9 6.34% 7 6.19% 9 7.38% 8 8.70% 7 16.28% 5207 13.39%
17 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 2 1.64% 2 2.17% 2 4.65% 2 0.01%
18 2 1.41% 1 0.88% 2 1.64% 2 2.17% 2 4.65% 1 0.00%
19 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 2 1.64% 2 2.17% 2 4.65% 1 0.00%
20 3 2.11% 2 1.77% 3 2.46% 2 2.17% 2 4.65% 1 0.00%
21 1 0.70% 1 0.88% 1 0.82% 1 1.09% 1 2.33% 7 0.02%
22 2 1.41% 1 0.88% 2 1.64% 1 1.09% 1 2.33% 1 0.00%
23 7 4.93% 6 5.31% 7 5.74% 6 6.52% 6 13.95% 5205 13.38%
24 3 2.11% 2 1.77% 3 2.46% 3 3.26% 3 6.98% 1 0.00%
25 4 2.82% 3 2.65% 4 3.28% 3 3.26% 3 6.98% 15 0.04%
26 1 0.70% 1 0.88% 1 0.82% 1 1.09% 1 2.33% 8 0.02%
27 4 2.82% 3 2.65% 4 3.28% 3 3.26% 3 6.98% 2 0.00%
28 19 13.38% 14 12.39% 12 9.84% 4 4.35% 4 9.30% 1697 4.36%
29 5 3.52% 4 3.54% 4 3.28% 3 3.26% 3 6.98% 6 0.02%
30 6 4.23% 5 4.42% 6 4.92% 5 5.43% 5 11.63% 5220 13.42%

Hourly usage for April 2008

Hourly Statistics for April 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 0 2 1.41% 0 1 0.88% 0 2 1.64% 0 7 0.02%
1 0 4 2.82% 0 2 1.77% 0 4 3.28% 0 2 0.00%
2 0 5 3.52% 0 4 3.54% 0 5 4.10% 0 2 0.01%
3 0 8 5.63% 0 7 6.19% 0 8 6.56% 0 4 0.01%
4 0 6 4.23% 0 4 3.54% 0 6 4.92% 0 9 0.02%
5 0 2 1.41% 0 2 1.77% 0 2 1.64% 0 1 0.00%
6 0 4 2.82% 0 4 3.54% 0 4 3.28% 1 15 0.04%
7 0 4 2.82% 0 4 3.54% 0 4 3.28% 0 9 0.02%
8 0 4 2.82% 0 4 3.54% 0 3 2.46% 0 11 0.03%
9 0 2 1.41% 0 1 0.88% 0 2 1.64% 0 1 0.00%
10 0 4 2.82% 0 3 2.65% 0 4 3.28% 0 10 0.02%
11 0 2 1.41% 0 2 1.77% 0 2 1.64% 0 5 0.01%
12 0 9 6.34% 0 6 5.31% 0 3 2.46% 2 50 0.13%
13 0 2 1.41% 0 2 1.77% 0 2 1.64% 0 1 0.00%
14 0 2 1.41% 0 1 0.88% 0 2 1.64% 0 1 0.00%
15 0 5 3.52% 0 4 3.54% 0 5 4.10% 179 5191 13.35%
16 0 4 2.82% 0 2 1.77% 0 4 3.28% 0 1 0.00%
17 0 12 8.45% 0 12 10.62% 0 7 5.74% 202 5855 15.05%
18 0 7 4.93% 0 5 4.42% 0 6 4.92% 0 10 0.02%
19 0 16 11.27% 0 11 9.73% 0 16 13.11% 537 15587 40.08%
20 0 24 16.90% 0 20 17.70% 0 17 13.93% 418 12110 31.14%
21 0 1 0.70% 0 1 0.88% 0 1 0.82% 0 6 0.02%
22 0 13 9.15% 0 11 9.73% 0 13 10.66% 0 6 0.01%
23 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%

Top 17 of 20 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 57 40.14% 26 0.07% /jjones2/
2 10 7.04% 26 0.07% /jjones2/Cognitive/
3 7 4.93% 36369 93.51% /jjones2/extended_log
4 5 3.52% 16 0.04% /jjones2/Practicum/
5 3 2.11% 1203 3.09% /jjones2/Cognitive/syllabus 2007.doc
6 3 2.11% 133 0.34% /jjones2/Cognitive/syllabus.shtml
7 3 2.11% 6 0.02% /jjones2/webstats/
8 2 1.41% 1036 2.66% /jjones2/Practicum/syllabus 08.doc
9 2 1.41% 16 0.04% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200710.html
10 2 1.41% 9 0.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200804.html
11 1 0.70% 9 0.02% /jjones2/Cognitive/Assignments.shtml
12 1 0.70% 1 0.00% /jjones2/MC issues/
13 1 0.70% 7 0.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200706.html
14 1 0.70% 4 0.01% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200707.html
15 1 0.70% 7 0.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200709.html
16 1 0.70% 8 0.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200711.html
17 1 0.70% 6 0.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200712.html

Top 10 of 20 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 7 4.93% 36369 93.51% /jjones2/extended_log
2 3 2.11% 1203 3.09% /jjones2/Cognitive/syllabus 2007.doc
3 2 1.41% 1036 2.66% /jjones2/Practicum/syllabus 08.doc
4 3 2.11% 133 0.34% /jjones2/Cognitive/syllabus.shtml
5 10 7.04% 26 0.07% /jjones2/Cognitive/
6 57 40.14% 26 0.07% /jjones2/
7 5 3.52% 16 0.04% /jjones2/Practicum/
8 2 1.41% 16 0.04% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200710.html
9 2 1.41% 9 0.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200804.html
10 1 0.70% 9 0.02% /jjones2/Cognitive/Assignments.shtml

Top 10 of 14 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 57 40.14% 42 60.00% /jjones2/
2 7 4.93% 7 10.00% /jjones2/extended_log
3 10 7.04% 4 5.71% /jjones2/Cognitive/
4 5 3.52% 3 4.29% /jjones2/Practicum/
5 3 2.11% 3 4.29% /jjones2/webstats/
6 2 1.41% 2 2.86% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200710.html
7 2 1.41% 2 2.86% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200804.html
8 3 2.11% 1 1.43% /jjones2/Cognitive/syllabus.shtml
9 1 0.70% 1 1.43% /jjones2/MC issues/
10 1 0.70% 1 1.43% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200706.html

Top 10 of 15 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 57 40.14% 57 67.86% /jjones2/
2 7 4.93% 7 8.33% /jjones2/extended_log
3 10 7.04% 3 3.57% /jjones2/Cognitive/
4 3 2.11% 3 3.57% /jjones2/webstats/
5 3 2.11% 2 2.38% /jjones2/Cognitive/syllabus.shtml
6 2 1.41% 2 2.38% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200710.html
7 2 1.41% 2 2.38% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200804.html
8 1 0.70% 1 1.19% /jjones2/Cognitive/Assignments.shtml
9 1 0.70% 1 1.19% /jjones2/MC issues/
10 5 3.52% 1 1.19% /jjones2/Practicum/

Top 30 of 43 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 10 7.04% 5 4.42% 4 0.01% 5 5.43%
2 9 6.34% 6 5.31% 50 0.13% 1 1.09%
3 9 6.34% 5 4.42% 604 1.55% 1 1.09%
4 9 6.34% 5 4.42% 3 0.01% 7 7.61%
5 8 5.63% 8 7.08% 1093 2.81% 1 1.09%
6 7 4.93% 4 3.54% 3 0.01% 5 5.43%
7 5 3.52% 5 4.42% 15 0.04% 1 1.09%
8 5 3.52% 5 4.42% 2 0.01% 5 5.43%
9 5 3.52% 5 4.42% 25993 66.83% 5 5.43%
10 5 3.52% 3 2.65% 2 0.01% 3 3.26%
11 5 3.52% 2 1.77% 2 0.00% 3 3.26%
12 4 2.82% 4 3.54% 646 1.66% 1 1.09%
13 4 2.82% 4 3.54% 2 0.00% 4 4.35%
14 4 2.82% 4 3.54% 2 0.00% 4 4.35%
15 4 2.82% 4 3.54% 2 0.00% 4 4.35%
16 4 2.82% 2 1.77% 2 0.00% 2 2.17%
17 3 2.11% 3 2.65% 8 0.02% 1 1.09%
18 3 2.11% 3 2.65% 6 0.01% 1 1.09%
19 3 2.11% 3 2.65% 1 0.00% 3 3.26%
20 3 2.11% 3 2.65% 6 0.02% 3 3.26%
21 3 2.11% 3 2.65% 1 0.00% 3 3.26%
22 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 5 0.01% 1 1.09%
23 2 1.41% 1 0.88% 1 0.00% 2 2.17%
24 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 5188 13.34% 2 2.17%
25 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 9 0.02% 2 2.17%
26 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 16 0.04% 2 2.17%
27 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 1 0.00% 2 2.17%
28 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 1 0.00% 2 2.17%
29 2 1.41% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 2 2.17%
30 1 0.70% 1 0.88% 0 0.00% 1 1.09%

Top 10 of 43 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 5 3.52% 5 4.42% 25993 66.83% 5 5.43%
2 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 5188 13.34% 2 2.17%
3 1 0.70% 1 0.88% 5188 13.34% 1 1.09%
4 8 5.63% 8 7.08% 1093 2.81% 1 1.09%
5 4 2.82% 4 3.54% 646 1.66% 1 1.09%
6 9 6.34% 5 4.42% 604 1.55% 1 1.09%
7 9 6.34% 6 5.31% 50 0.13% 1 1.09%
8 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 16 0.04% 2 2.17%
9 5 3.52% 5 4.42% 15 0.04% 1 1.09%
10 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 9 0.02% 2 2.17%

Top 8 of 8 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 116 81.69% - (Direct Request)
2 9 6.34%
3 6 4.23%
4 5 3.52%
5 2 1.41%
6 2 1.41%
7 1 0.70%
8 1 0.70%

Top 5 of 5 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 5 3.52% 5 4.42% 1693 4.35% 1 1.09% mirandar
2 4 2.82% 4 3.54% 655 1.68% 2 2.17% betty18
3 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 49 0.13% 1 1.09% bierhj
4 2 1.41% 2 1.77% 14 0.04% 1 1.09% hburk1
5 1 0.70% 1 0.88% 7 0.02% 1 1.09% akromero

Top 7 of 7 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 57 40.14% Yahoo! Slurp
2 39 27.46% msnbot/1.1 (+
3 20 14.08% Mozilla/5.0
4 18 12.68% MSIE 7.0
5 4 2.82% Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.0.6000
6 2 1.41% Microsoft Office Existence Discovery
7 2 1.41% Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery

Usage by Country for April 2008

Top 5 of 5 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 88 61.97% 77 68.14% 28439 73.12% Network
2 39 27.46% 26 23.01% 10397 26.73% US Commercial
3 9 6.34% 6 5.31% 50 0.13% Unresolved/Unknown
4 4 2.82% 4 3.54% 6 0.02% US Educational
5 2 1.41% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Germany

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
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