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Usage statistics for jjones2/ on

Summary Period: Last 12 Months
Generated 16-Jun-2010 03:51 PDT

Usage summary for

Summary by Month
Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
Jun 2010 54 43 47 19 81 50506 292 707 648 824
May 2010 28 26 22 10 103 39148 328 696 836 879
Apr 2010 58 56 50 12 130 88380 384 1528 1693 1746
Mar 2010 91 89 80 16 170 96434 511 2485 2785 2843
Feb 2010 71 68 55 17 142 60465 492 1543 1918 1996
Jan 2010 44 43 32 14 117 38732 455 993 1360 1393
Dec 2009 50 48 38 14 113 52713 441 1194 1515 1572
Nov 2009 78 76 67 15 111 49864 450 2029 2308 2358
Oct 2009 49 47 32 15 147 50550 467 1013 1474 1540
Sep 2009 33 30 22 14 135 24201 423 676 920 1005
Aug 2009 46 44 31 14 102 26611 461 968 1382 1433
Jul 2009 43 38 31 13 86 12819 432 986 1195 1333
Totals 590423 5136 14818 18034 18922

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
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