Catalyst SimpleSite

Usage statistics for jjones2/ on

Summary Period: July 2008
Generated 01-Aug-2008 03:47 PDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2008
Total Hits 3200
Total Files 2637
Total Pages 2272
Total Visits 1113
Total KBytes 85115
Total Unique Sites 556
Total Unique URLs 137
Total Unique Referrers 65
Total Unique User Agents 34
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 4 58
Hits per Day 103 328
Files per Day 85 221
Pages per Day 73 215
Visits per Day 35 67
KBytes per Day 2746 12807
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 2637
Code 206 - Partial Content 7
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 107
Code 304 - Not Modified 396
Code 400 - Bad Request 2
Code 404 - Not Found 41
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 10

Daily usage for July 2008

Daily Statistics for July 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 230 7.19% 188 7.13% 157 6.91% 65 5.84% 55 9.89% 1410 1.66%
2 142 4.44% 125 4.74% 106 4.67% 52 4.67% 45 8.09% 1455 1.71%
3 96 3.00% 77 2.92% 67 2.95% 42 3.77% 39 7.01% 6358 7.47%
4 97 3.03% 81 3.07% 70 3.08% 38 3.41% 31 5.58% 660 0.77%
5 112 3.50% 85 3.22% 84 3.70% 51 4.58% 43 7.73% 799 0.94%
6 130 4.06% 117 4.44% 94 4.14% 50 4.49% 36 6.47% 1068 1.25%
7 184 5.75% 154 5.84% 125 5.50% 67 6.02% 47 8.45% 1830 2.15%
8 188 5.88% 143 5.42% 132 5.81% 42 3.77% 25 4.50% 7291 8.57%
9 144 4.50% 114 4.32% 113 4.97% 44 3.95% 36 6.47% 1450 1.70%
10 223 6.97% 163 6.18% 160 7.04% 65 5.84% 38 6.83% 1393 1.64%
11 87 2.72% 77 2.92% 66 2.90% 43 3.86% 29 5.22% 1317 1.55%
12 72 2.25% 65 2.46% 51 2.24% 30 2.70% 20 3.60% 764 0.90%
13 57 1.78% 51 1.93% 45 1.98% 32 2.88% 23 4.14% 711 0.83%
14 102 3.19% 85 3.22% 74 3.26% 40 3.59% 36 6.47% 517 0.61%
15 210 6.56% 164 6.22% 149 6.56% 51 4.58% 31 5.58% 7508 8.82%
16 107 3.34% 98 3.72% 85 3.74% 27 2.43% 20 3.60% 623 0.73%
17 328 10.25% 221 8.38% 215 9.46% 56 5.03% 29 5.22% 1784 2.10%
18 93 2.91% 84 3.19% 50 2.20% 31 2.79% 30 5.40% 12807 15.05%
19 30 0.94% 27 1.02% 24 1.06% 20 1.80% 15 2.70% 228 0.27%
20 31 0.97% 26 0.99% 23 1.01% 17 1.53% 9 1.62% 190 0.22%
21 46 1.44% 43 1.63% 30 1.32% 23 2.07% 13 2.34% 6679 7.85%
22 57 1.78% 47 1.78% 41 1.80% 21 1.89% 18 3.24% 6437 7.56%
23 51 1.59% 49 1.86% 35 1.54% 27 2.43% 14 2.52% 6733 7.91%
24 78 2.44% 70 2.65% 48 2.11% 26 2.34% 19 3.42% 415 0.49%
25 46 1.44% 39 1.48% 37 1.63% 28 2.52% 20 3.60% 323 0.38%
26 50 1.56% 48 1.82% 38 1.67% 27 2.43% 11 1.98% 6465 7.60%
27 43 1.34% 38 1.44% 30 1.32% 23 2.07% 8 1.44% 161 0.19%
28 38 1.19% 37 1.40% 31 1.36% 21 1.89% 13 2.34% 544 0.64%
29 31 0.97% 27 1.02% 21 0.92% 13 1.17% 11 1.98% 225 0.26%
30 35 1.09% 34 1.29% 24 1.06% 18 1.62% 9 1.62% 6548 7.69%
31 62 1.94% 60 2.28% 47 2.07% 25 2.25% 11 1.98% 425 0.50%

Hourly usage for July 2008

Hourly Statistics for July 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1 52 1.62% 1 46 1.74% 1 39 1.72% 7 214 0.25%
1 2 87 2.72% 2 81 3.07% 1 53 2.33% 28 858 1.01%
2 1 44 1.38% 1 40 1.52% 0 30 1.32% 15 451 0.53%
3 2 91 2.84% 2 82 3.11% 2 81 3.57% 20 620 0.73%
4 1 56 1.75% 1 56 2.12% 1 49 2.16% 216 6692 7.86%
5 1 44 1.38% 1 41 1.55% 1 35 1.54% 198 6134 7.21%
6 1 49 1.53% 1 46 1.74% 1 34 1.50% 22 693 0.81%
7 3 103 3.22% 3 95 3.60% 2 69 3.04% 29 903 1.06%
8 4 154 4.81% 4 125 4.74% 3 114 5.02% 230 7135 8.38%
9 7 233 7.28% 5 176 6.67% 5 163 7.17% 50 1559 1.83%
10 8 255 7.97% 6 186 7.05% 5 182 8.01% 244 7556 8.88%
11 8 264 8.25% 6 215 8.15% 6 190 8.36% 58 1785 2.10%
12 9 285 8.91% 7 227 8.61% 6 200 8.80% 69 2138 2.51%
13 8 266 8.31% 6 202 7.66% 5 184 8.10% 56 1744 2.05%
14 6 216 6.75% 5 174 6.60% 5 155 6.82% 238 7392 8.68%
15 5 171 5.34% 4 142 5.38% 4 128 5.63% 242 7515 8.83%
16 5 158 4.94% 4 132 5.01% 3 101 4.45% 40 1229 1.44%
17 2 92 2.88% 2 82 3.11% 2 68 2.99% 50 1557 1.83%
18 3 102 3.19% 2 85 3.22% 2 74 3.26% 222 6893 8.10%
19 3 104 3.25% 2 90 3.41% 2 75 3.30% 23 707 0.83%
20 2 84 2.62% 2 66 2.50% 1 53 2.33% 229 7105 8.35%
21 3 112 3.50% 3 99 3.75% 2 73 3.21% 34 1042 1.22%
22 3 95 2.97% 2 81 3.07% 2 70 3.08% 208 6436 7.56%
23 2 83 2.59% 2 68 2.58% 1 52 2.29% 218 6759 7.94%

Top 30 of 137 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 597 18.66% 3424 4.02% /jjones2/Peer review/
2 564 17.62% 9384 11.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200805.html
3 503 15.72% 4522 5.31% /jjones2/Peer review/assignments.shtml
4 105 3.28% 52 0.06% /jjones2/
5 55 1.72% 1818 2.14% /jjones2/Peer review/evalform.doc
6 52 1.62% 1575 1.85% /jjones2/Peer review/report shell.doc
7 39 1.22% 841 0.99% /jjones2/Peer review/syllabus.shtml
8 32 1.00% 269 0.32% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
9 20 0.62% 41 0.05% /jjones2/webstats/
10 19 0.59% 15 0.02% /jjones2/MC issues/
11 18 0.56% 0 0.00% /jjones2/Peer
12 17 0.53% 929 1.09% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200806.html
13 14 0.44% 11 0.01% /jjones2/Practicum/
14 11 0.34% 9 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/
15 11 0.34% 9 0.01% /jjones2/MC issues/syllabus.shtml
16 10 0.31% 8 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/syllabus.shtml
17 10 0.31% 61367 72.10% /jjones2/extended_log
18 9 0.28% 7 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/Sattler ch11.pdf
19 9 0.28% 7 0.01% /jjones2/MC issues/McIntosh.pdf
20 9 0.28% 7 0.01% /jjones2/MC issues/events.shtml
21 9 0.28% 68 0.08% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200802.html
22 8 0.25% 7 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/resources.shtml
23 8 0.25% 7 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/schedule.shtml
24 7 0.22% 6 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/sample report-2.pdf
25 7 0.22% 6 0.01% /jjones2/MC issues/assignments.shtml
26 7 0.22% 6 0.01% /jjones2/MC issues/schedule.shtml
27 6 0.19% 5 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/KABC essentials.pdf
28 6 0.19% 5 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/mccallumBracken.pdf
29 6 0.19% 5 0.01% /jjones2/Cognitive/sample report.pdf
30 6 0.19% 5 0.01% /jjones2/MC issues/takaki_ch_4.pdf

Top 10 of 137 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 10 0.31% 61367 72.10% /jjones2/extended_log
2 564 17.62% 9384 11.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200805.html
3 503 15.72% 4522 5.31% /jjones2/Peer review/assignments.shtml
4 597 18.66% 3424 4.02% /jjones2/Peer review/
5 55 1.72% 1818 2.14% /jjones2/Peer review/evalform.doc
6 52 1.62% 1575 1.85% /jjones2/Peer review/report shell.doc
7 17 0.53% 929 1.09% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200806.html
8 39 1.22% 841 0.99% /jjones2/Peer review/syllabus.shtml
9 32 1.00% 269 0.32% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
10 9 0.28% 68 0.08% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200802.html

Top 10 of 45 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 564 17.62% 415 39.34% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200805.html
2 597 18.66% 268 25.40% /jjones2/Peer review/
3 503 15.72% 64 6.07% /jjones2/Peer review/assignments.shtml
4 105 3.28% 63 5.97% /jjones2/
5 5 0.16% 32 3.03% /jjones2/Peer review
6 32 1.00% 30 2.84% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
7 20 0.62% 13 1.23% /jjones2/webstats/
8 11 0.34% 10 0.95% /jjones2/Cognitive/
9 19 0.59% 10 0.95% /jjones2/MC issues/
10 14 0.44% 10 0.95% /jjones2/Practicum/

Top 10 of 47 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 564 17.62% 412 38.15% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200805.html
2 503 15.72% 224 20.74% /jjones2/Peer review/assignments.shtml
3 597 18.66% 133 12.31% /jjones2/Peer review/
4 105 3.28% 83 7.69% /jjones2/
5 32 1.00% 30 2.78% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200807.html
6 39 1.22% 15 1.39% /jjones2/Peer review/syllabus.shtml
7 20 0.62% 12 1.11% /jjones2/webstats/
8 17 0.53% 11 1.02% /jjones2/webstats/usage_200806.html
9 19 0.59% 10 0.93% /jjones2/MC issues/
10 14 0.44% 10 0.93% /jjones2/Practicum/

Top 30 of 556 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 285 8.91% 267 10.13% 18986 22.31% 124 11.14%
2 98 3.06% 63 2.39% 535 0.63% 2 0.18%
3 88 2.75% 61 2.31% 503 0.59% 8 0.72%
4 82 2.56% 71 2.69% 262 0.31% 32 2.88%
5 79 2.47% 69 2.62% 231 0.27% 25 2.25%
6 74 2.31% 48 1.82% 249 0.29% 10 0.90%
7 71 2.22% 67 2.54% 6466 7.60% 28 2.52%
8 63 1.97% 48 1.82% 478 0.56% 25 2.25%
9 62 1.94% 62 2.35% 652 0.77% 12 1.08%
10 54 1.69% 38 1.44% 371 0.44% 4 0.36%
11 53 1.66% 32 1.21% 228 0.27% 4 0.36%
12 51 1.59% 44 1.67% 344 0.40% 5 0.45%
13 44 1.38% 38 1.44% 314 0.37% 9 0.81%
14 44 1.38% 22 0.83% 176 0.21% 3 0.27%
15 42 1.31% 30 1.14% 356 0.42% 6 0.54%
16 39 1.22% 24 0.91% 213 0.25% 2 0.18%
17 38 1.19% 29 1.10% 213 0.25% 6 0.54%
18 36 1.12% 28 1.06% 208 0.24% 7 0.63%
19 36 1.12% 31 1.18% 364 0.43% 2 0.18%
20 32 1.00% 32 1.21% 303 0.36% 10 0.90%
21 32 1.00% 32 1.21% 204 0.24% 12 1.08%
22 31 0.97% 24 0.91% 240 0.28% 17 1.53%
23 31 0.97% 24 0.91% 201 0.24% 9 0.81%
24 30 0.94% 16 0.61% 121 0.14% 5 0.45%
25 29 0.91% 23 0.87% 189 0.22% 8 0.72%
26 29 0.91% 20 0.76% 152 0.18% 6 0.54%
27 29 0.91% 27 1.02% 110 0.13% 10 0.90%
28 29 0.91% 29 1.10% 254 0.30% 6 0.54%
29 29 0.91% 18 0.68% 144 0.17% 4 0.36%
30 28 0.88% 19 0.72% 149 0.18% 5 0.45%

Top 10 of 556 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 285 8.91% 267 10.13% 18986 22.31% 124 11.14%
2 5 0.16% 5 0.19% 12465 14.65% 3 0.27%
3 71 2.22% 67 2.54% 6466 7.60% 28 2.52%
4 1 0.03% 1 0.04% 6267 7.36% 1 0.09%
5 1 0.03% 1 0.04% 6209 7.29% 1 0.09%
6 13 0.41% 13 0.49% 5837 6.86% 9 0.81%
7 21 0.66% 19 0.72% 5718 6.72% 17 1.53%
8 6 0.19% 6 0.23% 750 0.88% 1 0.09%
9 7 0.22% 7 0.27% 732 0.86% 7 0.63%
10 62 1.94% 62 2.35% 652 0.77% 12 1.08%

Top 30 of 65 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1461 45.66% - (Direct Request)
2 868 27.12% review/
3 117 3.66%
4 81 2.53% review/index.shtml
5 68 2.12% review/assignments.shtml
6 66 2.06%
7 55 1.72%
8 45 1.41%
9 41 1.28%
10 38 1.19%
11 33 1.03% review/assignments.shtml
12 28 0.88%
13 23 0.72%
14 18 0.56%
15 18 0.56%
16 17 0.53%
17 15 0.47% review/
18 15 0.47% review/syllabus.shtml
19 14 0.44% review/
20 13 0.41%
21 12 0.38%
22 12 0.38% review/syllabus.shtml
23 11 0.34%
24 10 0.31%
25 9 0.28%
26 7 0.22%
27 7 0.22%
28 7 0.22%
29 7 0.22%
30 6 0.19%

Top 5 of 5 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 20.00% 2.0.50727.0
2 1 20.00% blackberry8310/manual
3 1 20.00% usage_200805.html
4 1 20.00% top * of * total referrers site:edu inurl:usage_200804.html
5 1 20.00% top * of * total referrers site:edu inurl:usage_200806.html

Top 15 of 34 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1342 41.94% MSIE 7.0
2 592 18.50% MSIE 6.0
3 432 13.50% Mozilla/5.0
4 394 12.31% Yahoo! Slurp
5 212 6.62% Googlebot/2.1
6 91 2.84% msnbot/1.1 (+
7 21 0.66% Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery
8 17 0.53% Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Protocol D
9 17 0.53% Microsoft Office Existence Discovery
10 17 0.53% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
11 14 0.44% Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.0.6001
12 6 0.19% Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.0.6000
13 6 0.19% Opera/9.00
14 5 0.16% MSIE 5.22
15 4 0.12% attributor/1.13

Usage by Country for July 2008

Top 30 of 36 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1347 42.09% 1172 44.44% 56750 66.67% Network
2 725 22.66% 505 19.15% 4110 4.83% US Educational
3 502 15.69% 437 16.57% 16480 19.36% US Commercial
4 470 14.69% 384 14.56% 6141 7.21% Unresolved/Unknown
5 31 0.97% 23 0.87% 341 0.40% Germany
6 19 0.59% 18 0.68% 121 0.14% China
7 11 0.34% 10 0.38% 52 0.06% France
8 9 0.28% 9 0.34% 61 0.07% Netherlands
9 8 0.25% 8 0.30% 152 0.18% Brazil
10 8 0.25% 8 0.30% 54 0.06% Canada
11 7 0.22% 7 0.27% 47 0.06% US Government
12 7 0.22% 7 0.27% 159 0.19% United Kingdom
13 6 0.19% 6 0.23% 22 0.03% Non-Profit Organization
14 6 0.19% 6 0.23% 40 0.05% Japan
15 5 0.16% 5 0.19% 132 0.15% Australia
16 4 0.12% 4 0.15% 122 0.14% Finland
17 3 0.09% 3 0.11% 20 0.02% Austria
18 3 0.09% 3 0.11% 20 0.02% Switzerland
19 3 0.09% 3 0.11% 20 0.02% India
20 3 0.09% 3 0.11% 20 0.02% Sweden
21 2 0.06% 2 0.08% 13 0.02% Estonia
22 2 0.06% 2 0.08% 13 0.02% Greece
23 2 0.06% 2 0.08% 13 0.02% Italy
24 2 0.06% 2 0.08% 13 0.02% Lithuania
25 2 0.06% 2 0.08% 12 0.01% Moldova
26 2 0.06% 2 0.08% 13 0.02% Pakistan
27 2 0.06% 2 0.08% 13 0.02% Russian Federation
28 1 0.03% 1 0.04% 7 0.01% Bulgaria
29 1 0.03% 1 0.04% 7 0.01% Ghana
30 1 0.03% 1 0.04% 105 0.12% Malaysia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
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