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Grades K-2
This is a good project to start young children toward learning about their senses. Draw or make a chart with a picture of an eye, ear, nose, tongue and hand. Write down words or hold up pictures that "go" with each of the senses that are represented by the eye (vision), ear (audition), nose (olfaction), tongue (gustation) and hand (tactile sense). For example under the:
Of course, most of these items could go under a few of the categories, but that is part of the project. Our senses work together to tell us about the outside world.
For grades K-6
It is not often that you get to EAT your experiment, but here is your chance. If possible, bake a cake or a batch of cookies within smelling distance of the class. Popping popcorn is also a good idea. Have all the students describe the sounds, taste, smell, feel, sight of the food. Make a list of everything that was experienced by each of the senses. Of course eat the treats too and describe the texture of the food.
Grades K-3
Explore the 5 senses in different "stations" around the classroom. Set up tables with hands-on materials for kids to touch, smell, taste, hear and see. Some possible station items:
Grades K-12
Test your memory with this on-line
concentration game by locating the pictures of different sense organs
(ear, eye, nose, skin, tongue). The game requires that your browser is
Grades 3-12
Play "Sensory Pile On" by grouping words into touch, smell, taste, hearing and seeing piles.
Grades 3-12
Put several objects inside of a box or can and close it. Pass the box around to each person who must draw a picture of what he or she thinks is inside. People can shake the box to listen to sounds and estimate its weight. Perhaps the smell of the object provides a clue to its identity. The only rule is that people cannot look inside the box.
After everyone has a turn, open the box see what was inside. Compare drawings and discuss how people made their decisions.
Grades 3-12
Goal: To learn something new and interesting about one of the five senses through an experiment of your choice.
Guidelines for experiment:
Turn In: Write a summary on a separate sheet of paper that includes the following:
("Find an Experiment" was developed by Randy Lehnen, middle school science teacher)
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