Each column on this page has words related to each of the five
senses. Cut out each of the words. Mix up the words. Then try to
put the words into piles related to each other. For example, you
should have a "Sight Pile," a "Hearing Pile," a "Taste Pile," a
"Smell Pile" and a "Touch Pile". Print out another copy of
this page to use as an answer sheet. These words are based on
the following sense pages:
Taste Smell Touch Sight Hearing sweet nose skin light ear sour nostril epidermis eye vestibulocochlear
nerve bitter olfaction dermis pupil cranial
nerve VIII salty cilia hair iris cochlea tongue mitral
cell Ruffini lens tympanic membrane gustation cranial nerve
I Krause sclera malleus umani anosmia Pacinian choroid incus facial
nerve odor Meissner retina stapes glossopharyngeal
nerve hot fovea organ of
Corti solitary
tract cold optic loudness ageusia pain cranial nerve
II music bud somatosensory rod decibles cone audition glasses deaf photoreceptor blind vision BACK TO:
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