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bmreed – Page 5 – Brian Reed

Brian Reed

University of Washington

Author: bmreed

It’s Out!

I’d like to announce the publication of my new book, Phenomenal Reading: Essays in Modern and Contemporary Poetics. It’s available now from the University of Alabama Press in paperback. Winner of the press’s Elizabeth Agee Prize for outstanding American literary scholarship, the book reprints eleven previously published essays on figures


Check out my latest essay — “In Other Words: Postmillennial Poetry and Redirected Language” — in the new issue of the journal Contemporary Literature.  It’s part of their “poetry of the previous decade” special issue edited by Michael Davidson, and it has lots of cool articles, including ones by Kaplan

Promotion Approved

I have just received a letter from Michael K. Young, the President of the University of Washington, stating that he approves my promotion from Associate Professor to Professor in the Department of English.  Thanks to everyone who wrote letters on my behalf or otherwise supported me through the long review

Chicago Review Review

The newest issue of the Chicago Review has–in addition to previously unpublished essays by the brilliant critic Veronica Forrest-Thomson and prose vignettes (in translation) by the Polish writer Andrzej Stasiuk–my review of Cole Swensen’s Greensward (Ugly Duckling 2010), a small beautiful book about 18th century British gardens and the human/animal


The book (Re:)Working the Ground: Essays on the Late Writings of Robert Duncan is now available from Palgrave. I have an essay in it titled “Robert Duncan and Gertrude Stein from Writing Writing to Ground Work II.” Thanks to the editor James Maynard for doing such a fine job with

Blurb for Imaginary Book

Cow Heavy Books has just published The Official Catalog of the Library for Imaginary Literature, a collection of blurbs for imaginary books that the writers would love to read.  People involved include Craig Dworkin, Shelley Jackson, Bhanu Kapil, Warren Motte, Diane Williams, and, well, me.  My blurb is for a

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