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bmreed – Page 4 – Brian Reed

Brian Reed

University of Washington

Author: bmreed

Pop Life

On Saturday 16 February I’m giving a paper titled “Bad Movies and Conceptual Poetry: Beyond the High/Low Divide.” It’s at 1:15pm, and it’s part of the Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Assocation annual conference in Albuquerque. Come hear me talk about such films as Kung Fu Panda, Alien vs. Predator, and Purple Rain!

By the Seashore

It’s late notice, but if anybody’s in the neighborhood, I’m giving a paper titled “Now That’s Poetry: The Case of Vito Acconci’s ‘MOVE, REMOVAL (LINE OF EVIDENCE)’” today, 12 February 2013, at the University of California San Diego in the Michel de Certeau Room of the Literature building at 4:00 p.m.

Learning from Las Vegas

I’m going to be attending this year’s Modernist Studies Association annual conference, which is in Las Vegas. The conference hotel is the Flamingo. And yes I will attend panels. Well, at least my own. If you’re in town & interested, I’ll be giving a paper titled “‘Some Old Dream of

The Wildcard Bard

Tonight (October 5th) at Hugo House on CapHill in Seattle I’m reading along with Kasey Mohammad and Heather McHugh as part of a benefit/silent auction to raise money for Caregifted.  Should be a fun evening — come if you can!  I’ll be doing several “covers,” including Dada sound poetry, as

Speaking Soon in Germany

I’m looking forward to the conference “Memory, the United States, and Transnational Poetics” (29-30 June 2012) at Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany.  I’ll be giving the first keynote address, bright and early at 9:30am, titled “Personalizing the Alphabet: The New York School and the New Australian Poetry.”  There will be twenty

Fall Convergence on Poetics

At the end of September the brand new UW Bothell MFA Program in Creative Writing and Poetics will be hosting a conference that they’re calling the Fall Convergence. Looks like it’s going to be an amazing event. I’m going to be on a panel with Charles Altieri and Lyn Hejinian,

See Me on Streaming Video

Over at PennSound you can now watch my talk as part of the keynote panel at the April 2012 Univ. of Pennsylvania / Kelly Writers House conference “Poetry Communities and Individual Talent.”  (Maria Damon, Craig Dworkin, and Steven Yao are also participants.)  My part begins around 46:00 minutes into the

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