Hello World!
After a busy quarter, we are getting back into the blogging habit. Some highlights of the past quarter or so:
- The #BeckerLab (Megan, Michelle, Axton, and Brenda) did a great job presenting our work at the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference in Vancouver, BC. Look for a blog post from Brenda shortly.
- Likewise, they (plus Jenn) aced the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium and the UW Tacoma Environmental Research Symposium.
- Megan passed her first committee meeting for her Master’s Degree.
- Katie won a Mary Cline Scholarship. Katie, Michelle, and I were awarded SIAS Teaching and Research funding.
- Michelle and team completed lab work for our DNR-funded acidification work.
- Megan and Jenn are both attending classes at Friday Harbor Labs.
- Emily did great at the Washington State Science Fair and won an award! Expect a post on that soon.
- Brenda, Jared, and Hannah graduated last week! And lab alumni Miguel and Dana graduated with Master’s degrees, in teaching and GIS, respectively.
So you can see how busy we’ve been! We have a number of student blogs from the past month or two ready to post. Then back to our regularly scheduled blogging. Thanks for reading!
Back in the Saddle!