At the UW, I taught many courses at all levels, and the syllabi are all here (with one notable exception for corporate copyright purposes) for anyone who wants to mine them for readings, assignments, or other ideas. Take anything you want and don't feel the need to ask:
- HONORS 222B Science in Context. Taught jointly with David Battisti, on the topic of the public reception of scientific ideas, particularly climate change and natural selection.
- ANTH 410/ENVIR 410/ESRM 405: Growing Stuff: the Ecology, Economy, and Politics of Resource-Extraction Ecosystems. A field course linking local ecosystems with ecological and environmental issues.
- ANTH 210: Introduction to Environmental Anthropology
- ANTH 378: Sustainability, Resilience, and Society. This is an online course, so, paradoxically, the corporate powers that be will not allow me to publish a publicly available link to it. Hence no link.
- ANTH 406/SISEA 406, Environment and Society in China, an exploration of environmental issues in China.
- GEN ST 391N Preparing to Do Research as an Exchange Student in Sichuan, for students planning to go on the UW-Sichuan exchange.
- ANTH 469C/JSIS 484F, Taiwan: Culture, Society, and History a seminar taught on the mistaken impression that we were starting a Taiwan Studies program at the UW. The program will start in Fall, 2017, but I will be retired.
- ANTH 461, Historical Ecology a senior-graduate level seminar, taught together with Professor Ben Fitzhugh.
- ANTH 470/SISEA 470, Minority Peoples of China,
an introduction to the minorities of China and the ways they interrelate with the majority
- ANTH 550, Ethnographic Field Methods. A required course for second-year students in the Sociocultural Anthropology Ph.D. program
- China's Environment: Growth, Resources, Politics. A short course taught for the Creative Retirement Institute.
- ANTH 561F/SEFS 550F Resilience in Socioecological Systems a seminar on resilience theory and whether it is practically useful or not for understanding both ecology and society.
- ANTH 370/SISEA 370, Han Chinese Culture and Society,
an introduction
- ANTH 470/SISEA 470, Minority Peoples of China,
an introduction to the minorities of China and the ways they interrelate with the majority
- ANTH 204 Reading Ethnography, an introduction to ethnography and the way ethnographers write.
- ANTH 525/HONORS 398 Translation: Practice and Theory. A combined Honors and Graduate seminar on why translation is so hard and how to do it anyway.
ANTH 470/SISEA 470, Minority Peoples of China,
an introduction to the minorities of China and the ways they interrelate with the majority
- ENVIR 300 Environmental Studies: Synthesis and Application, a Program on the Environment upper-division core course
- ANTH 210, Introduction to Environmental Anthropology.
- ANTH 565 Ethnography as Science and Literature, 2007 core course for doctoral students in Sociocultural Anthropology.
- ANTH 469e/FISH 497a/SMA550c Sustainability, an experimental seminar taught in Spring 06 with Robert Francis from the School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences
- H A&S 220-221-222 The Earth. An experimental, three-quarter honors course. Taught jointly with Professor David Battisti.
- ANTH 100, Introduction to Anthropology. A project-based approach.
- ANTH 565, Theory in Sociocultural Anthropology, from evolution to ethics, this time built around the Yanomami.
GEN ST 391,Learning about China through Environmental Studies,
An UW World Wide Program for students in the University of Washington/Sichuan University Exchange program to learn about China through studying environmental questions.
- ANTH 399, Junior Honors Seminar A course designed to help juniors already accepted into the Anthropology Honors Program prepare to write their senior theses.
H A&S 262,Through the Looking Glasses,
An honors program core
course about the way China and the Euro-American West have viewed each other from the time of Matteo Ricci
to the
H A&S 350, The Crisis in the American Family,
an examination of the public discourse on the family in America.
ANTH 436 Comparative Family Organization, A lecture course
about the history, the variation, and the present status of the family.
ANTH 447/SISEA 445, Religion in China, an
overview lecture course on Chinese religion.