Turing Test - Examples and Simulations 
I am not a machine

Chatterbots:  Software agents that (attempt to) imitate the conversation of a human.  Below are a number of chatterbots, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses.  Some of the listed chatterbots have been finalists or winners of the Loebner Prize, which is a competition that tests programs on their ability to emulate human intelligence.  Before playing with the chatterbots, look at the conversations that took place as part of the competitions.  Links to these conversations are near the bottom of the Loebner Prize web page.

Classic chatterbots:  These chatterbots are descendants of the original chatterbot.  What was the Eliza program designed to do?  What doesn't it do?
  • Eliza - "a friend you could never have before"  (Basic information here; Joseph Weizenbaum--the inventor of Eliza--wrote this description.)
Modern chatterbots:
  • Jabberwocky-type clients:  Try either the jabberwock or jabberwacky chatterbots.  (Note that the website owner of the jabberwock has banned some UW web addresses from accessing the chatterbot.  If that happens, use the jabberwacky chatterbot instead.)  Learn about jabberwock chatterbots here:  [ 1 | 2 ]
  • Turing Hub - This is a better chatterbot than most.
  • Bunches o'chatterbots.  This web site has grouped chatterbots by type.  Note the distinguishing characteristics of each type of chatterbot.  Which type seems to be the most "intelligent"?
One of the more entertaining things that some people have done is use the output of one chatterbot as the input to another and vice versa.

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