Turing Test - Advanced Topics
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Eliza was successful in getting many people to converse with the chatterbot as though it was another human being.  This phenomenon is called the Eliza effect.  But it's only a language-parsing tool and nothing more.   This becomes more obvious when Eliza is interfaced to another chatterbot, Parry.  Parry has been programmed to emulate a paranoid schizophrenic, which when interfaced to Eliza's Rogerian psychotherapist, leads to some entertaining conversation.

But wait!  We're not done yet!  Somebody thought it would be really amusing to hook Eliza up with a program called Racter, which writes what can be called verse only by the more charitable.  An account of their meetup is further down the page from the Eliza-Parry conversation.

Artificial intelligence:

Physicist Roger Penrose has had quite a bit to say about intelligence and consciousness.  And his critics have had a lot to say about Penrose and his theories.  View some of the fireworks here.

Need more?  Check out this huge collection of links to texts, software, journals and newsgroups concerned with AI.  For the last-minute paper, this bibliography contains references to many relevant papers, most of them conveniently available on the web--and it includes 87 references to the Turing test alone!

The real mother lode for artificial intelligence is the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).  Their "AI Topics" link connects you to a large array of material, including many Turing test references.  Most of the references aren't available on the web, but they are available through the library's databases.  le

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