Your Task


Should animal testing continue?


1. You have been assigned a specific role to play in the debate over animal testing.  Assigned roles include; a PETA Member, a USDA Member, an IACUC Member, a citizen, a Mary Kay Rep, and a Cancer patient.  These roles are as panel members on a congressional board overseeing the use of animals in research.

2. Individually, using the links provided and the guiding questions on your task page, write a 1-2 page, double-spaced position paper from your assigned task members point of view.  The position paper (Rubric here) should use 2-3 properly cited MLA citations and should answer the question, “Should animal testing continue?” and make recommendations to the congressional panel.

3. Following individual research time, you will meet with members of your same task group (groups of 5-6) and discuss talking points for the class wide debate (Rubric here).  During the debate, all members of the group will be required to participate once and interact positively with the group, while staying true to your task members role.

    Now you are ready to get started!  Click on your role links above, or to the right, to begin.
