You are a 45-year-old man who leads a pretty normal life. You work as a businessman, and have a wife and a 10-year-old daughter. You are generally a passive observer of anything happening in the arena of animal research, but you do watch the news a lot and browse the internet for interesting news stories about what’s going on in the world. Recently you have read a few stories, including some from each side of the issue of animal testing. You must do research using the links provided below and write a position paper from a regular ol’ citizen’s point of view, answering the question, “Should animal research continue in the Unites States?” This will be in preparation for the whole-class debate about animal research. See Your Task page for specific information about the assignments.
Guiding Questions:
1.How do you believe animals should be treated?
2.How does the news shape the information you receive about animal testing?
3.Does positive pro-animal research influence you more? Or negative images you come across?
Research Links:
Billboards to promote animal testing on ABC NEWS:
Replacing animal testing? US NEWS:
PETA reveals mandatory cosmetics testing:
Discovery NEWS; defense of animal testing:
UCLA; Animals generating new treatments: