Mary kay rep


Mary Kay Rep

        Imagine that you (or your significant other is) are a representative of the popular at-home make-up sales brand, Mary Kay.  You have been with the company for two years, but are using it as a side job while dreaming about that pink Cadillac. Until recently you thought that your company was a certified ‘cruelty-free‘ company.  You now find that Mark Kay does, indeed, do some animal testing.  You must do research using the links provided below and write a position paper from a Mary Kay Rep’s point of view, answering the question, “Should animal research continue in the Unites States?”  This will be in preparation for the whole-class debate about animal research.  See Your Task page for specific information about the assignments.

Guiding Questions:

  1. 1.How do you believe animals should be treated?

  2. 2.What are the reasons behind Mary Kay’s use of animal testing?

  3. 3.Is there any way around animal testing?  What?

Research Links:

Mary Kay’s promise:

PETA against Mary Kay:

VIDEO: The fight for cruelty free cosmetics:

NEWS: Fur flies over animal testing of cosmetics:

NEWS: Cosmetics animal testing quietly resumes:
