Mary kay rep
Mary kay rep
Mary Kay Rep
Imagine that you (or your significant other is) are a representative of the popular at-home make-up sales brand, Mary Kay. You have been with the company for two years, but are using it as a side job while dreaming about that pink Cadillac. Until recently you thought that your company was a certified ‘cruelty-free‘ company. You now find that Mark Kay does, indeed, do some animal testing. You must do research using the links provided below and write a position paper from a Mary Kay Rep’s point of view, answering the question, “Should animal research continue in the Unites States?” This will be in preparation for the whole-class debate about animal research. See Your Task page for specific information about the assignments.
Guiding Questions:
1.How do you believe animals should be treated?
2.What are the reasons behind Mary Kay’s use of animal testing?
3.Is there any way around animal testing? What?
Research Links:
Mary Kay’s promise:
PETA against Mary Kay:
VIDEO: The fight for cruelty free cosmetics:
NEWS: Fur flies over animal testing of cosmetics:
NEWS: Cosmetics animal testing quietly resumes: