PETA Member
Imagine that you are a middle aged active PETA member. You believe whole-heartedly that animals should not be eaten, worn, used for entertainment, abused, or experimented on for any reason. Due to your strong beliefs, five years ago you became a vegan (you do not eat meat or any animal products including eggs or dairy). You must do research using the links provided below and write a position paper from a PETA Member’s point of view, answering the question, “Should animal research continue in the Unites States?” This will be in preparation for the whole-class debate about animal research. See Your Task page for specific information about the assignments.
Guiding Questions:
1.How do you believe animals should be treated?
2.What are the alternatives to testing things like drugs, cosmetics, or commercial products?
3.Does animal research reliably predict what will happen in humans?
Research Links:
Alternatives to Animal Testing:
PETA Organization:
BioChips Technology:
Does Animal Testing Work?: of_mice_or_men.html
(cc) ElvertBarns