Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
15) ZS Patel, LR Meza. “Toughness Amplification via Controlled Nanostructure in Lightweight Nano‐Bouligand Materials.” Small (2023)
14) OA Tertuliano, BW Edwards, LR Meza, VS Deshpande, JR Greer. “Nanofibril-mediated fracture resistance of bone” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 16(3) (2021)
13) MS Patel, MD Carson, EJ Seibel, LR Meza. “Intraductal Tissue Sampling Device Designed for the Biliary Tract” IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 9 (2021)
12) R. Schwaiger, LR Meza, X. Li “The extreme mechanics of micro- and nanoarchitected materials” MRS Bulletin 44 (2019)
11) LR Meza, JMJ Schormans, JJC Remmers, VS Deshpande “Shear response of 3D non-woven carbon fibre reinforced composites” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 125 (2019) [PDF]
10) LR Meza, G Phlipot, CM Portela, A Maggi, LC Montemayor, A Comella, DM Kochmann, JR Greer “Reexamining the Mechanical Property Space of 3D Lattice Architectures” Acta Materialia 140 (2017) [PDF]
9) J Bauer, LR Meza, R Schwaiger, X Zheng, TA Schaedler, L Valvedit, “Nanolattice Materials: An Emerging Class of Mechanical Metamaterials” Advanced Materials 29 (Invited Progress Report) (2017) [PDF]
8) LR Meza, AJ Zelhofer, N Clarke, AJ Mateos, DM Kochmann, JR Greer, “Resilient 3D Hierarchical Architected Metamaterials” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (2015)
7) LR Meza, S Das, JR Greer, “Strong, Lightweight, and Recoverable Three-dimensional Ceramic Nanolattices” Science 345 (2014) [PDF]
6) LC Montemayor, LR Meza, JR Greer, “Design and Fabrication of Hollow Rigid Nanolattices via Two-Photon Lithography” Advanced Engineering Materials 16 (2014)
5) LR Meza, JR Greer “Mechanical Characterization of Hollow Ceramic Nanolattices” J. Materials Science 49 (2014) [PDF]
4) D Jang, LR Meza, F Greer, JR Greer, “Fabrication and Deformation of Three-dimensional Hollow Ceramic Nanostructures” Nature Materials 12 (2013) [PDF]
3) SW Lee, LR Meza, JR Greer, “Cryogenic nanoindentation size effect in [0 0 1]-oriented face centered cubic and body-centered cubic single crystals” Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013) [PDF]
2) AT Jennings, CR Weinberger, SW Lee, ZH Aitken, LR Meza, JR Greer, “Modeling Dislocation Nucleation Strengths in Pristine Metallic Nanowires Under Experimental Conditions” Acta Materialia 61 (2013)
1) R Maaß, LR Meza, B Gan, S Tin, JR Greer, “Ultrahigh Strength of Dislocation-Free Ni3Al Nanocubes” Small 8 (2012)