IFIP EGOV-ePart 2016 Conference — Program

The program of the IFIP EGOV-ePart 2016 Five-Track Conference Cluster (September 5-8, 2016) has been released and can be downloaded/viewed here (PDF).

Over the years, this top-2 ranked annual conference in the greater study domain of electronic government and electronic participation has grown to host five distinct tracks:

— General EGOV Track
— General ePart Track
— Open Government /Open and Big Data Track
— Smart Governance/Government/Cities Track
— Policy Modeling and Policy Informatics Track.

The conference hosts several formats for presenting academic and practitioner work: keynotes, formal paper sessions, workshops, posters, and a pre-conference doctoral colloquium.

This year the conference is hosted by the University of Minho and the United Nations University’s Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance at the Campus de Couros at the heart of the wonderful City of Guimarães, Portugal.

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