
Research Impact | Research in Progress | Completed Research | Grants | Unfunded Proposals | Certifications

Research Impact

Research in progress

  • Disaster Information Management (since 2011)
  • Smart Cities (since 2010)
  • Sport Information Management (since 2009)
  • Interoperability in government (2006 to 2012)
  • Information Artifact Evaluation (since 2009)

Completed research projects

  • Disaster Studies
    • Oso Mudslide Disaster Study (completed)
    • Cascadia Rising Study (on-going)
  • Sport Information Management (rubric)
  • Artifact Evaluation Study
    • Mobile Applications
    • Websites
    • Social Media (rubric)
  • Smart Cities Studies
    • City of Munich
    • City of Turin
    • eCity Government Alliance
    • City of Seattle
    • Smart City Consortium
  • Electronic Government / e-Commerce (1) (2007 to 2010)
  • Electronic Government (2) – mCity Project (Fully Mobile City Government) 2005-2011, NSF Grant IIS-0535088
  • Electronic Government (3)
  • North American Digital Government Working Group on Collaboration and Cross-border interoperation (NSF-funded travel to WG meetings from Information and Intelligent Systems program) 2007 to 2009 – Collaborator/Network Member
  • Action Research & System Dynamics
  • Doctoral students wanted

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Research Grants

  • University of Laval, Montreal, Canada, $9,000, Jan. 2011–Feb. 2012, Scholl, H. J., Grant/Fellowship, Electronic Government A Worldwide Framework for Service Integration (Smart Cities).
  • National Science Foundation, $54,500, Nov. 2009–Sep. 2011. Scholl, H. J. (PI), Understanding the Unique Challenges in Government Field Operations and their Consequences for the Use and Design of Mobile Systems. Sep. 2009-Sep. 2011, Award # IIS-0535088 supplement 0947259.
  • National Science Foundation, $498,560, Nov. 2005-Oct. 2008. Scholl, H. J. (PI), Fidel, R. (Co-PI), & Mai, J-E. (Co-PI). Fully Mobile City Government: Premises, Requirements, and Effects of Fully Mobile Wirelessly Connected Applications on Information Load, Information Use, Work Organization, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Transformation in City Government Operations. Funded as of 11/01/2005, Award # IIS-0535088.

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Unfunded Grant Proposals

  • Fisher, K. E., Crandall, M., & Scholl, H. J. (2005). E-Government: Serving and educating the information poor through public libraries and public access computing centers. Institute of Museum and Library Services; @1,300,000) submitted July 2005, not funded
  • Scholl, H. J. (2005). The mobility paradigm in government. IBM Center for The Business of Government; $15,000, submitted April 2005, not funded
  • Fidel, R., Ivory-Ndiaye, M., Mai, J.E., Hamilton, G.G., Scholl, H.J. (2004), Local Government Information for Citizens and Employees (LOGICE): A Work-Centered Evaluation and Design of a System for Information Created by City Government. National Science Foundation; $1,044,292.00, submitted March 2004, not funded
  • Scholl, H. J., Phelan, S. E., Hamilton, G.G.(2005). Long-term Firm Performance and Survival; National Science Foundation; $1,297.968.00; submitted March 2004, not funded
  • Roy, J. (2004), Public Electronic Infrastructure in a Shared Governance Environment: An Interdisciplinary Research Program and International Knowledge Alliance; Infrastructure Canada; CDN$ 435,000.00; submitted December 2004, not funded
  • Scholl, H.J. (2004), Business Process Change and Electronic Government. IBM Center for The Business of Government. $15,000; re-submitted November 2004, not funded
  • Coker, F. E., & Scholl, H.J. (2004), CIOs Perspective on IT Workforce Directions; RATEC, Bellevue, WA (in connection with the Society for Information Management); $50,000; submitted January 2004, not funded
  • Scholl, H.J. (2003), Business Process Change and Electronic Government; IBM Center for The Business of Government; $15,000; submitted November 2003; not funded

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Research-related Certifications

  • Certificate of renewing/completing the Cooperative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) course on the protection of human research subjects, winter 2018
  • Certificate of renewing/completing the Cooperative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) course on the protection of human research subjects, fall 2004
  • Certificate of completing the Cooperative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) course on the protection of human research subjects, spring 2002

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