Google Scholar site for Alex Gagnon
*Indicates advisee
- Gothmann* and Gagnon (in review). The primary controls on U/Ca and minor element proxies in a cold-water coral cultured under decoupled carbonate chemistry conditions.
- Li, Roger, Kumar, Lewinski, Klein, Gagnon, Putnam, Yang (in press). Digital image processing to detect subtle motion in stony coral. Scientific Reports.
- Bates, Alma, Ugrai, Gagnon. Maher, McElhany, and Padilla-Gamino (2021). Evaluation of the Effect of Local Water Chemistry on Trace Metal Accumulation in Puget Sound Shellfish Shows That Concentration Varies With Species, Size, and Location. Frontiers in Marine Science.
- Gagnon, Gothmann*, Branson*, Rae, Stewart (2021). Controls on boron isotopes in a cold-water coral and the cost of resilience to ocean acidification. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- Bolden*, Sachs, Gagnon (2019). Temporally-Variable Productivity Quotients on a Coral Atoll: Implications for Estimates of Reef Metabolism. Marine Chemistry.
- Bonnin*, Zhu, Fehrenbacher, Russell, Hönisch, Spero, Gagnon (2019). Submicron Sodium Banding in Cultured Planktic Foraminifera Shells. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Johnson, Muller, Khatib, Bonnin*, Gagnon, and Raschke. (2019). Infrared Nano-Spectroscopic Imaging in the Rotating Frame. Optica.
- Vielzeuf, Gagnon, Ricolleau, et. al. (2018). Growth kinetics and distribution of trace elements in precious corals. Frontiers in Earth Science.
- Chen, Gagnon, and Adkins (2018). Carbonic anhydrase, coral calcification and a new model of stable isotope vital effects. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Fehrenbacher, Russell, Davis, Gagnon, Spero, Martin, Cliff, Zhu (2017). Light cycle triggers Mg-banding in Neogloboquadrina dutertrei: implications for chamber formation and biomineralization in planktic foraminifers. Nature Communications.
- Branson*, Bonnin*, Perea, Spero, Zhu, Winters, Hönisch, Russell, Fehrenbacher, Gagnon (2016). The Nanometer-Scale Chemistry of a Calcite Biomineralization Template: Implications for Skeletal Composition and Nucleation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Giuffre, Gagnon, De Yoreo, and Dove (2015). Isotopic tracer evidence for the amorphous calcium carbonate to calcite transformation by dissolution-reprecipitation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Eiler, Bergquist, Bourg, Cartigny, Farquhar, Gagnon, et al., (2014). Frontiers of Stable Isotope Geoscience. Chemical Geology.
- Thresher et al. (2014). Strong Depth-Related Zonation of Megabenthos on a Rocky Continental Margin (700–4000 m) off Southern Tasmania, Australia. PlosONE.
- Robinson, Adkins, Frank, Gagnon, Prouty, Roark, and van de Flierdt (2014). The geochemistry of deep-sea coral skeletons: applications for paleoceanography. Deep Sea Research.
- Gagnon, Adkins, Erez, Eiler, and Guan. (2013). Sr/Ca Sensitivity to Aragonite Saturation in Cultured Coral: Mechanism of Biomineralization During Ocean Acidification. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Gagnon. (2013). Commentary: Coral calcification feels the acid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Hathorne, Gagnon, et al. (2013). Inter-laboratory study for coral Sr/Ca and other element/Ca ratio measurements. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems.
- Vielzeuf, Garrabou, Gagnon, et al. (2013). Distribution of Sulfur and Magnesium in the Red Coral. Chemical Geology.
- Gabitov, Gagnon, Guan, Eiler, and Adkins (2013). Accurate Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and Ba/Ca ratio measurements in carbonates by SIMS and NanoSIMS and an assessment of heterogeneity in common calcium carbonate standards. Chemical Geology.
- Gagnon, Adkins, and DePaolo. (2012) Precise Overgrowth Composition During Biomineral Culture and Inorganic Precipitation. Chemical Geology.
- Gagnon, Adkins, and Erez. (2012). Seawater Transport During Coral Biomineralization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- Anagnostou, Sherrell, Gagnon, LaVigne, Field and McDonough. (2011). Seawater nutrient and carbonate ion concentrations recorded as P/Ca, Ba/Ca, and U/Ca in the deep-sea coral Desmophyllum dianthus. Geochimicia et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Case, Robinson, Auro, and Gagnon. (2010). Environmental and biological controls on Mg and Li in deep-sea scleractinian corals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- Fernandez, Gagnon, and Adkins. (2010). An Isotope Dilution ICP-MS Method for Determination of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca Ratios in Calcium Carbonate. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research.
- Tripati, Eagle, Thiarajagan, Gagnon, Bauch, Halloran, and Eiler. (2010). 13C-18O isotope signatures and ‘clumped isotope’ thermometry in foraminifera and coccoliths. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
- Gagnon, Adkins, Fernandez, and Robinson. (2007). Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca vital effects correlated with skeletal architecture in a scleractinian deep-sea coral and the role of Rayleigh fractionation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
- Robinson, Adkins, Scheirer, Fernandez, Gagnon, and Waller. (2007). Deep-sea scleractinian coral age and depth distributions in the northwest Atlantic for the last 225,000 years. Bulletin of Marine Science.
- Robinson, Adkins, Fernandez, Burnett, Wang, Gagnon, and Krakauer. (2006). Primary U distribution in scleractinian corals and its implications for U series dating. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems.