
Early Oceanography

Alex Gagnon (PI)

Assistant Professor
Ocean Science Building 409
Academic CV

(at the helm in the ’80s, Catalina Is.)

Current Lab Members

Marta Wolfshorndl

PhD candidate
Impact of Ocean Acidification on Skeletal Nucleation in Coral
Selected Awards: NSF-GRFP
Webpage CV

Isaiah Bolden

PhD candidate
Geochemical Indicators of Change on Coral Reefs
Selected Awards: NSF-GRFP; ARCS fellowship; IGERT Program on Ocean Change Fellowship; Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship; Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship
Webpage CV

MaryMargaret Stoll

Graduate Student
Records of Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification
Selected Award: PCC fellowship
Webpage CV

Tamas Ugrai

Research Scientist, TraceLab
Mass Spectrometry Gurus
Trace Lab Webpage

Dan Anderson

Research Scientist
Lead Technician Tetiaroa Project
Website CV

Lab Alumni

Elisa Bonnin

Defended PhD Summer 2019
Growth, chamber formation, and microscale heterogeneity in planktic foraminifera: Implications for paleoclimate proxies
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow in Nano-scale Imaging, U. Gottingen

Anne Gothman

JISAO Postdoctoral Fellow (2015-2017)
Geochemistry of calcification in cultured cold-water coral
Currently: Assistant Professor of Physics and Environmental Studies, St. Olaf College

Oscar Branson

Postdoctoral Fellow (2014-2016); Co-advised with Howie Spero (UC Davis)
Nano characterization of organic-mineral interactions during foraminiferal biomineralization
Currently: Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Cambridge University

Nick Roden

Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2018); Co-advised with Julian Sachs
Whole atoll calcification: Tetiaroa
Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Bergen

Lab Party 2019
Lab Party 2017: Escape Room Success!