Anthony G.
Greenwald, PhD
Cvencek PhD from University of Washington (2007, Cognitive Psychology, advisors: AGG [primary] and Geoffrey Loftus), now Research Scientist at the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences (I-LABS, supervised by Meltzoff) on IAT studies of developing social cognition in pre- and elementary school children. |
Lindgren PhD from University of Washington (2006, Clinical Psychology, advisors: William George [primary], Yuichi Shoda, and AGG). Now Assistant Professor at University of Washington, Department of Psychiatry, working on clinical applications of implicit cognition. Currently funded by an NIAAA K99/R00 (collaborators: Clayton Neighbors, Tony Greenwald, Bethany Teachman, and Debra Kaysen).
Teri Kirby Started PhD program in Social Psychology in Fall, 2010 (advisors: AGG [primary], Cheryl Kaiser [primary], and Sapna Cheryan); NSF Graduate Research Fellow. Working on implicit racial attitudes and different models of approaching diversity.
Yiqin Alicia Shen Yiqin Alicia Shen is a second year Ph.D. student working with Dr. Anthony Greenwald and Dr. Yuichi Shoda at the University of Washington.
She received her bachelor's degree from Fudan University in 2011. Her research interests include the measurement of implicit and unconscious cognition and the impact of social cognition on thin slice judgment.
In her spare time, she takes advantage of outdoor opportunities in Washington State as well as the vibrant music and art culture in Seattle area.
Sianna Ziegler Started Ph.D. program in Social Psychology in Fall 2012 (primary advisor: AGG), working on implicit race bias attitudes and voting behavior.
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Brian Eschels Due to graduate in Spring, 2013; Phi Beta Kappa. Research focuses on
evaluative priming as a measure of automatic attitude.. |
Emilie Tang Due to graduate in Spring, 2013; Phi Beta Kappa. Research focuses on investigating bicultural conflict with implicit measures.