The Woodrow Lab is growing. Come join us!
Prof. Woodrow is seeking highly motivated and enthusiastic graduate students who have a can-do attitude, an ability to take risks, and a passion for intellectual pursuit. Applicants should be interested in conducting mechanistic and quantitative research at the interface of biomaterials engineering and mucosal biology. Students who have been admitted to the graduate degree program in Bioengineering at the UW are encouraged to email . Students who are interested in applying to or have questions about the UW Bioengineering graduate program can find additional information on the department's website.
The Woodrow Lab welcomes applications from highly motivated, enthusiastic and creative postdoctoral scientists. Applicants should be interested in conducting mechanistic and quantitative research at the interface of biomaterials engineering and mucosal biology.
To Apply:
Qualified applicants will hold a Ph.D. in bioengineering, chemical engineering, materials science and engineering or other related engineering fields. We also encourage applicants with a M.D. or Ph.D. in chemistry, biophysics, microbiology or cell and molecular biology. Candidates should also have salient research experience in at least one but preferably several of the following areas: drug delivery, biomaterial synthesis and characterization, polymer chemistry, quantitative cellular assays, mammalian cell culture and in vivo experimentation.
Qualified and interested applicants should email a single PDF file containing: (1) a cover letter; (2) CV, and (3) reprints of peer-reviewed publications. Email to .
Undergraduate research positions are available to self-motivated and eager students who are qualified and intend to apply to the Bioengineering major. Positions are availalbe across a broad range of topics within the Woodrow Lab research themes. Interested students should contact Prof. Woodrow directly by email and include a resume and unofficial transcript.
(Last updated: 11/2013)