Adolescent Development I

Development in School Contexts

Winter 2007

Scoring Rubrics

Relational Pedagogy Project

Click for rubric for Part II & Part III

Rubric for Part I: The Plan

Minimum criteria, without which no credit will be given:

____Plan turned no later than Jan. 25

____All three parts of plan addressed

____Rationale provided, uses and references readings.

Scoring Rules: Each description illustrates the characteristics of work at that score level. Not all papers will match a description exactly.


Each strategy is described in sufficient detail, and a clear rationale for its use is provided. Rationale uses important ideas from the readings (cited) and shows a good grasp of these ideas. The expected effects of each strategy are supported and seem plausible. The system for keeping track of interactions seems feasible, given your role in the classroom, and is likely to provide the data needed for Part 3.


Each strategy is described, and a rationale for its use is provided. Rationale cites ideas from the readings that show an understanding of the ideas, though some connections may be vague or superficial.  The expected effects of each strategy are supported and seem plausible. The system for keeping track of interactions seems feasible, given your role in the classroom, and is likely to provide at least some of the data needed for Part 3.


Most strategies are described in sufficient detail, though rationale may be weak in spots. The expected effects of each strategy are described. Use of some readings may be superficial or minimal, or may show some misunderstandings. System for keeping track of interactions is described, but may lack detail, or may not be clearly connected to the requirements of Part 3.


Strategies described, but lack detail. Rationale for some strategies weak. Use of readings superficial or minimal, or shows misunderstandings of important ideas. Effects of strategies description may be too vague. System for keeping track of interactions too vague or lacks connection to Part 3.


Write-up is generally vague. Rationale too general, shows major misunderstandings of ideas used. Effects of strategy described vaguely or not at all. System for keeping track of interactions vague, unlikely to provide data for Part 3.