Adolescent Development I

Development in School Contexts

Winter 2008

Your Future Classroom

Due March 14.  20% of final grade

Write a description of your plans and vision of your future classroom -- focus either on this fall (student teaching) or your first year of professional teaching. (4-6 pages, double spaced, 12-pt font) This paper will provide an opportunity for reflection that will prepare you for further work on classroom management next quarter in EDTEP 563. Be sure to:

  • Identify and discuss the primary principles/goals/values that will guide you as you plan your future classroom. 
  • Describe their relationship to issues and tasks of adolescent development as presented in the readings and discussions. 
  • Consider in your description: the climate of the classroom, how students will act and interact with you and each other, and how you will facilitate these processes.

To see a sample from last year, click here.

SCORING RUBRIC for Your Future Classroom

Minimum criteria, without which no credit will be given:
____Paper identifies and describes the principles/goals/values that are core for vision of future classroom.
____Description and relationship to adolescent development uses and cites readings
____Paper is free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Scoring Rules: Each description illustrates the characteristics of work at that score level. Not all papers will match a description exactly.

Descriptions of core principles/goals/values are clear and complete. Description of the relationship of the core items to issues and tasks of adolescent development is clear. The presentation addresses issues of classroom climate, relationships among students, student-teacher relationship, and the way in which you will facilitate these processes.  Ideas and theories from readings across the course are used to make and support (or contrast to) your analysis. Use of the readings shows a strong grasp of the ideas and theories used.  (NOTE: You do not need to use all of the readings, but you should use readings from several different weeks.)

Descriptions of core principles/goals/values are clear and complete. Description of the relationship of the core items to issues and tasks of adolescent development is clear. The presentation addresses issues of classroom climate, relationships among students, student-teacher relationship, and the way in which you will facilitate these processes.  Ideas and theories from course readings are used to make and support (or contrast to) your analysis, though some connections may be superficial. Use of the readings shows a good grasp of theories and ideas.  (NOTE: You do not need to use all of the readings, but you should use readings from several different weeks.)

Descriptions of core principles/goals/values are mostly clear and complete. Description of the relationship of the core items to issues and tasks of adolescent development is mostly clear. The presentation addresses issues of classroom climate, relationships among students, student-teacher relationship, and the way in which you will facilitate these processes.  Ideas and theories from course readings are used primarily by matching ideas, quotes, or theories to issues.  Use of the readings shows understanding of theories and ideas, though there may be some minor misunderstandings or misapplications OR they are drawn from a narrow set of readings.

Descriptions of core principles/goals/values are mostly clear and complete. Description of the relationship of the core items to issues and tasks of adolescent development is mostly clear though superficial. The presentation addresses some of the issues connected to classroom climate, relationships among students, student-teacher relationship, and the way in which you will facilitate these processes.  Ideas and theories from course readings are used infrequently or superficially. Use of the readings shows understanding of theories and ideas, though there may be some major misunderstandings or misapplications.

Description of the relationship of the core items to issues and tasks of adolescent development is mostly superficial. The presentation addresses some of the issues connected to classroom climate, relationships among students, student-teacher relationship, and the way in which you will facilitate these processes.  Ideas and theories from course readings are used infrequently or superficially. Use of the readings shows major misunderstanding or misapplication of theories and ideas.