Rachel M. Heath


High Frequency Labor Outcomes in Urban Ghana
In 2013, I collaborated with a team of researchers (including Ghazala Mansuri, Bob Rijkers, Will Seitz, and Dhiraj Sharma) at the World Bank to collect ten weeks of high frequency data in urban Ghana. The data collection included a survey experiment that varied whether respondents were surveyed in person or over the phone, and once a week versus three times a week. The sample was drawn from the Ghana Urban Household Panel Survey (GUHPS), which was a panel survey managed by CSAE at Oxford University; see Falco et al (2014) for details. The public release data is here.

Garment Workers in Bangladesh
The data for my dissertation came from a supplementary garment worker questionnaire that is part of a household survey that I conducted with Mushfiq Mobarak. The data from this survey is available here; refer to the questionnaires below for more information on the questions.

The garment worker supplement was administered to all 1002 garment workers in the household surveyed. It collects information on job and wage histories, referrals given and received, and detailed information about the current job.

Overall, the survey was administered to 1400 households in 4 subdistricts in the Dhaka and Gazipur districts of Bangladesh. In additional to my research on referrals in the garment industry, the survey has also provided data for a project examining the role of the garment industry in girls' education, marriage, and childbearing outcomes, and another examining the relationship between female labor force participation and domestic violence.

[garment worker]   [head]   [female head]   [daughter in law]   [village]

Some photos from the project:
image Me with the some participants in one of our focus groups
image Cutting a bunch of shirts all at once
image Adjusting the setting on the dyeing machine to make sure the final garment is the exact right color
image Finished shirts on their way to Target -- with hangers and everything!