Oliver J. Rutz

Marion B. Ingersoll Professor
of Marketing
Faculty Director, MSBA Program

Thomas Gilbert

Foster School of Business
University of Washington
PACCAR Hall, Box 353226
Seattle, WA 98195-3226, USA
Email: orutz@uw.edu
Office: PACCAR 432
Tel: 206.221.1856
Fax: 206.543.7472


Selected Publications:

  1. Abhishek Borah and Oliver J. Rutz (2024), "Enhanced Sales Forecasting Model Using Textual Search Data: Fusing Dynamics with Big Data," International Journal of Research in Marketing, forthcoming
  2. Garrett P. Sonnier, Oliver J. Rutz and Adrian Ward (2023), "Estimating the Effect of Brand Beliefs on Brand Evaluations When Beliefs are Measured with Error," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40(3), 552-569
  3. Oliver J. Rutz and Garrett P. Sonnier (2019), "VANISH Regularization for Generalized Linear Models," Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 17(4), 415-437
  4. Oliver J. Rutz, Ashwin Aravindakshan and Olivier Rubel (2019), "Measuring and Forecasting Mobile Game App Engagement," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(2), 185-199
    IJRM Editor's Choice Article, high-lighting new and cutting edge topics
  5. Oliver J. Rutz and George F. Watson IV (2019), "Endogeneity and Marketing Strategy Research: An Overview," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(3), 479-498
    Finalist, 2019 Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
  6. Oliver J. Rutz, Garrett P. Sonnier and Michael Trusov (2017), "A New Method to Aid Copy Testing of Paid Search Text Advertisements," Journal of Marketing Research, 54(6), 885-900
  7. Shuba Srinivasan, Oliver J. Rutz and Koen Pouwels (2016), "Paths to and off Purchase: Quantifying the Impact of Traditional Marketing and Online Consumer Activity," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44(4), 440-453
    Finalist, 2016 Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
  8. Olivier Rubel, Ashwin Aravindakshan and Oliver J. Rutz (2015), "Managing Blood Donations by Marketing," Marketing Science, 34(2), 269-280
  9. Kerstin Reimer, Oliver J. Rutz and Koen Pauwels (2014), "How Online Consumer Segments Differ in Long-term Marketing Effectiveness," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28, 271-284
  10. Oliver J. Rutz, Randolph E. Bucklin and Garrett P. Sonnier (2012), "A Latent Instrumental Variables Approach to Modeling Keyword Conversion in Paid Search Advertising," Journal of Marketing Research, 49(3), 306-319
    Finalist, 2013 Paul E. Green Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
    Finalist, 2007 Clayton Dissertation Proposal Competition, Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
    Winner, 2007 Best Paper of the Conference Based on a Doctoral Dissertation, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)
  11. Oliver J. Rutz and Randolph E. Bucklin (2012), "Does Banner Advertising Affect Browsing for Brands? Clickstream Choice Model Says Yes, For Some," Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 10(2), 231-257
  12. Oliver J. Rutz and Michael Trusov (2011), "Zooming in on Paid Search Ads - A Consumer-level Model Calibrated on Aggregated Data," Marketing Science, 30(5), 789-800
  13. Garrett P. Sonnier, Leigh McAlister and Oliver J. Rutz (2011), "A Dynamic Model of the Effect of Online Communications on Firm Sales," Marketing Science, 30(4), 702-716
  14. Oliver J. Rutz, Michael Trusov and Randolph E. Bucklin (2011), "Modeling Indirect Effects of Paid Search Advertising: Which Keywords Lead to More Future Visits?," Marketing Science, 30(4), 646-665
    Finalist, 2013 Frank M. Bass Award, Marketing Science Institute (MSI),
    Lead Article in inaugural edition of MSI Selections high-lighting recent academic work of particular relevance to managers
  15. Oliver J. Rutz and Garrett P. Sonnier (2011), "The Evolution of Internal Market Structure," Marketing Science, 30(2), 274-289
  16. Oliver J. Rutz and Randolph E. Bucklin (2011), "From Generic to Branded: A Model of Spillover in Paid Search Advertising," Journal of Marketing Research, 48(1), 87-102;
    Winner, 2016 William F. O'Dell Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
    Winner, 2013 Donald R. Lehmann Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
    Winner, 2012 Paul E. Green Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)

Book Chapters:

  1. Oliver J. Rutz and Randolph E. Bucklin (2012), "Paid Search Advertising," in Advanced Database Marketing: Innovative Methodologies & Applications for Managing Customer Relationships, Eds. Scott Neslin, Kristof Coussement and Koen De Bock, Gower/Ashgate Publishing.
  2. Randolph E. Bucklin, Oliver J. Rutz and Michael Trusov (2009), "Metrics for the New Internet Marketing Mix," Review of Marketing Research, 5, 175-192.

Honors and Awards:

  • 2022: Foster School of Business Ph.D. Program Mentoring Award
  • 2020: MSI Scholars, Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2020: Finalist, Long Term Impact Award, Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2019: Finalist, Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
  • 2016: Winner, William F. O'Dell Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2016: Finalist, Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
  • 2015: Top 50 Scholar, Author Productivity in the Premier Marketing Journals (2011-2015), American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2014: Top 50 Scholar, Author Productivity in the Premier Marketing Journals (2010-2014), American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2014: Predicting Life Changes from Financial Data, Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI)
  • 2014: Excellence In Reviewing, Journal of Interactive Marketing
  • 2013: Winner, Donald R. Lehmann Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2013: Finalist, Paul E. Green Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2013: Finalist, Frank M. Bass Award, Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2013: MSI Young Scholars, Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2013: Top 50 Scholar, Author Productivity in the Premier Marketing Journals (2009-2013), American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2012: Winner, Paul E. Green Award, American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • 2012: Foster School of Business Dean’s Faculty Research Award
  • 2010: Google&WPP Marketing Research Awards Program, $58,000
  • 2007: Finalist, Clayton Dissertation Proposal Competition, Markting Science Institute (MSI)
  • 2007: Winner, Best Paper of the Conference Based on a Doctoral Dissertation, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC)
  • 2007: Fellow, Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium
  • 2003: UCLA Anderson Business Honor Society (Top 15%)
  • 2003: Finalist, Outstanding Marketing Student, UCLA Anderson
  • 2002: Fellowship for Outstanding Foreign Students, UCLA Anderson
  • 2001: Dean's Scholar, UCLA Anderson
  • 2001: McKinsey&Company Fellowship

Professional Activities:

  • Area Editor: International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM)
  • Member of the Editorial Board: Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), Journal of Retailing (JR), Journal of Interactive Marketing (JIM), Business Research (BuR)