Learning Facilities

New Resources for Student Learning in Science and Technology both on and off campus

I helped established the Spatial Analysis Lab (SAL) teachingin the School as a collaborative teaching and research facility.  Primarily this teaching facility has been the home for course work in Spatial Information Technologies (GIS), applied Geostatistics, and Remote Sensing; however it is a much used and valuable teaching resource for all instructors within the School of Oceanography.


I am directing the creation of the Ocean Technology Center OTC(OTC) as the physical home for the Ocean Technology program.   This facility is an open architecture “makerspace” for activity based learning in the design and build of underwater sensors.  The space combines traditional classroom seating, student small group study space, and project workbenches, along with “do-it-yourself” tools for the basic design and construction of underwater sensors.



I initiated, developed, and now direct the ERIS observatory.  ERIS (Exploration and Remote Instrumentation by Students) is a student design and build underwater cabled observatory at the waterfront of the School of Oceanography.  Students designed and are now building the ERIS observatory to stream real-time data into classrooms.   Data from ERIS is envisioned to be a teaching resource to classroom both on and off campus.