Source code for mmf.math.multigrid.notes.multigrid_notes

"""Demo of multigrid features for :file:`multigrid.rst`."""
from __future__ import division
__all__ = ['Problem', 'Galerkin', 'MultigridBase', 'MultigridPeriodic',
           'MultigridNeumann', 'comparing_periodic']

import math

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
import scipy as sp

from mmf.objects import StateVars, Container, process_vars
from mmf.objects import Computed, Delegate

[docs]class Problem(StateVars): r"""Representation of the following linear problem for use with a one-dimensional multigrid method. We provided the following problem: .. math:: \begin{aligned} -f''(x) &= a\pi^2\left[\cos(\pi x)-a\sin^2(\pi x)\right] e^{a(\cos\pi x -1)}, \\ -f''(x) + a^2\pi^2\sin^2(\pi x)f(x) &= a\pi^2\cos(\pi x)e^{a(\cos\pi x -1)}, \\ -f''(x) - a\pi^2\cos(\pi x)f(x) &= -a^2\pi^2\sin^2(\pi x)e^{a(\cos\pi x -1)}, \\ f(x) &= e^{a(\cos\pi x - 1)}. \end{aligned} This can also be written as a non-linear equation: .. math:: -f''(x) = \pi^2\left[\ln f + a - a^2\sin^2(\pi x)\right]f We may also write this as a set of coupled equations in a few ways, including: .. math:: \begin{aligned} - f''(x) &= a\pi^2[g - a(1-g^2)]f, \\ - g''(x) &= \pi^2 g = \pi^2 (a^{-1}\ln f + 1) \end{aligned} This gives rise to the following systems for the Jacobian: .. math:: G_3(f, g) = \begin{pmatrix} - f''(x) - a\pi^2[g - a(1-g^2)]f, \\ - g''(x) - \pi^2 g \end{pmatrix}, \qquad J_3 = -\diff[2]{}{x} + \begin{pmatrix} - a\pi^2[g - a(1-g^2)] & - a\pi^2[1 + 2g]f\\ 0 & - \pi^2 \end{pmatrix}. .. math:: G_4(f, g) = \begin{pmatrix} - f''(x) - a\pi^2[g - a(1-g^2)]f, \\ - g''(x) - \pi^2 (a^{-1}\ln f + 1) \end{pmatrix}, \qquad J_4 = -\diff[2]{}{x} + \begin{pmatrix} - a\pi^2[g - a(1-g^2)] & - a\pi^2[1 + 2g]f\\ - \pi^2 a^{-1}/f & 0 \end{pmatrix}. """ _state_vars = [ ('a', 5, 'The larger this is, the more sharply peaked the solution.'), ('periodic', True, '''If `True`, then periodic boundary conditions are represented with $L=2$ ranging from $x\in [0, 2]$, otherwise Neumann boundary conditions are represented by with $L=1$ and $x\in [0, 1]$.'''), ('prob', 0, '''Value in `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]` specifies which of the three problems is represented. These differ by which terms are included in the equation and which terms are included in the rhs: `0` : represents the simple Poisson problem `1` : includes the $\sin^2$ piece which should make the problem somewhat easier (being positive). `2` : includes the $\cos$ piece (which is challenging since it is negative) `3` : represents the Newton step for problem $G_3$. `4` : represents the Newton step for problem $G_4$. '''), ('L', Computed, 'Length'), ] process_vars() def __init__(self, *v, **kw): if self.periodic: self.L = 2 else: self.L = 1 def D(self, f, x): r"""Return $D(f)$, the diagonal portion of the problem (not including the operator $-T = -\nabla^2$) acting on `f`.""" a = self.a pi = np.pi c = np.cos(pi*x) s = np.sin(pi*x) if 0 == self.prob: # Simple problem return 0*x elif 1 == self.prob: return f*pi**2*(a*s)**2 elif 2 == self.prob: return -f*pi**2*(a*c) else: raise NotImplementedError def DG(self, fg, x): r"""Return the objective function for Newton's method (without the $-T$ portion).""" N = len(x) a = self.a pi = np.pi G = 0*fg fg[:N] = -a*pi**2*((g - a*(1-g**2))*f) if 3 == self.prob: G[N:] = -pi**2*g elif 4 == self.prob: G[N] = -pi**2*(np.log(f)/a + 1) else: raise NotImplementedError return G def DJ(self, dfg, f, g, x): r"""Return $D_J(f, g)(d_f, d_g)$, the block diagonal portion of the Jacobian (not including the operator $-T = -\nabla^2$) at `(f, g)` acting on the step `(df, dg)`.""" N = len(x) df = dfg[:N] dg = dfg[N:] a = self.a pi = np.pi jfg = 0*dfg jfg[:N] = -a*pi**2*((g - a*(1-g**2))*df + (1 + 2*g)*f*dg) if 3 == self.prob: jfg[N:] = -pi**2*dg elif 4 == self.prob: jfg[N:] = -pi**2*df/a/f else: raise NotImplementedError jfg *= -1 return jfg def b(self, x): r"""Return right hand side.""" f = np.exp(self.a*(np.cos(np.pi*x) - 1)) a = self.a pi = np.pi c = np.cos(pi*x) s = np.sin(pi*x) if 0 == self.prob: return f*pi**2*(a*c - (a*s)**2) elif 1 == self.prob: return f*pi**2*(a*c) elif 2 == self.prob: return f*pi**2*(-(a*s)**2) else: raise NotImplementedError def f(self, x, d=0): r"""Return exact solution to continuum problem and its derivatives (for checking discretization errors).""" f = np.exp(self.a*(np.cos(np.pi*x) - 1)) a = self.a pi = np.pi c = np.cos(pi*x) s = np.sin(pi*x) if 0 == d: return f elif 1 == d: return f*pi*(-a*s) elif 2 == d: return f*pi**2*(-a*c + (a*s)**2) elif 3 == d: return f*pi**3*(3*a**2*c*s + (-a*s)**3 + a*s) elif 4 == d: return f*pi**4*(-6*a**3*c*s**2 + (a*s)**4 - 4*(a*s)**2 + 3*(a*c)**2 + a*c) else: raise NotImplementedError def g(self, x, d=0): r"""Return exact solution to continuum problem and its derivatives (for checking discretization errors).""" a = self.a pi = np.pi c = np.cos(pi*x) s = np.sin(pi*x) if 0 == d: return c elif 1 == d: return -pi*s elif 2 == d: return -pi**2*c elif 3 == d: return pi**3*s elif 4 == d: return pi**4*c else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Galerkin(object): r"""Provides a Galerkin operator A by interpolating and then restricting to the top level. This is not efficient computationally, but can be used to test convergence."""
[docs] def A(self, f): "Apply the operator Galerkin restriction of the operator A" n = 0 while len(f) < self.N: f = self.I(f) n += 1 f = -self.T(f) + self.D(f, self.x(len(f))) while n > 0: f = self.R(f) n -= 1 return f
[docs]class MultigridBase(StateVars, Galerkin): r"""Common base for :class:`MultigridNeumann` and :class:`MultigridPeriodic`.""" _state_vars = [ ('n_0', 2, "Minimum size of grid when `n=0`"), ('n', 7, "Number of levels above `n_0`"), ('dx_n', Computed, "Grid spacing of coarsest grid"), ('N', Computed, "Number of grid points"), ('neutralize', False, r"""In the case of the pure Possion equation, the matrix `A` is singular and the constant piece of the solution should be removed. If `True`, then this is done at the end of :meth:`v_cycle` by calling :meth:`make_neutral`."""), ('smoothing_method', 0, r"""Smoothing method. One of: `0` : Weighted Jacobi Iteration `1` : Red-black Gauss-Seidel `2` : Lexicographic Gauss-Seidel """), ('n_smooth', [2, 2], r"""`[n_before, n_after]`. Number of times the smoothing operator is applied before and after the iterative call in :meth:`v_cycle`."""), ('problem', Delegate(Problem, ['a', 'prob'])), ] process_vars() def __init__(self, *v, **kw): self.N = self.get_N(self.n) self.dx_n = np.diff(self.x()[0:2])[0]*2**self.n def get_N(self, n, inverse=False): r"""Return the number of points in the `n`'th lattice.""" if inverse: return np.log2((n - 1)/(self.n_0 - 1)) else: return 2**n*(self.n_0 - 1) + 1 def residue(self, f, b): r"""Compute the residue $\vect{b} - \mat{A}\vect{f}$ . """ res = b - self.A(f) return res def v_cycle(self, f, b): r"""V-cycle. Parameters ---------- f : array Solution to be smoothed. b : array Right hand side. """ m = int(self.get_N(len(f), inverse=True)) if m == 0: A_ = self.to_mat(self.A, len(f)) f = np.linalg.lstsq(A_, b)[0] else: for n in xrange(self.n_smooth[0]): f = self.smooth(f, b) err = -self.R(self.residue(f, b)) f -= self.I(self.v_cycle(0*err, err)) for n in xrange(self.n_smooth[1]): f = self.smooth(f, b) if self.neutralize: f = self.make_neutral(f) return f def f_cycle(self, f, b): r"""F-cycle.""" res = self.residue(f, b) rs = [res] for i_ in reversed(xrange(self.n)): rs.insert(0, self.R(rs[0])) corr = self.v_cycle(0*rs[0], rs[0]) for m in xrange(1, self.n+1): corr = self.v_cycle(self.I(corr), rs[m]) return f + corr def fmg(self, f=None): r"""Full multigrid cycle.""" b_n = self.problem.b(self.x()) if f is not None: f = 0*b_n b_n = self.residue(f, b_n) bs = [b_n] for i_ in reversed(xrange(self.n)): bs.insert(0, self.R(bs[0])) corr = self.v_cycle(0*bs[0], bs[0]) for m in xrange(1, self.n+1): corr = self.v_cycle(self.I(corr), bs[m]) if f is None: return corr else: return f + corr def to_mat(self, op, N): zero = np.zeros(N, dtype=float) zero[0] = 1 f = op(zero) zero[0] = 0 mat = np.zeros((len(f), N), dtype=f.dtype) mat[:, 0] = f for i_ in xrange(1, N): zero[i_] = 1 mat[:, i_] = op(zero) zero[i_] = 0 return mat def mats(self): r"""Return a Container of lists of the various matrices.""" xs = [] As = [] Rs = [] Is = [] Ss = [] Ts = [] for m in xrange(self.n+1): M = self.get_N(m) xs.append(self.x(M)) if 0 == m: # May not be a restriction from the smallest lattice Rs.append(None) else: Rs.append(self.to_mat(self.R, M)) Is.append(self.to_mat(self.I, M)) As.append(self.to_mat(self.A, M)) Ts.append(self.to_mat(self.T, M)) Ss.append(self.to_mat( lambda x:self.smooth(x, b=0*xs[-1]), M)) bs = [self.problem.b(self.x())] f_ = np.linalg.lstsq(As[-1], bs[0])[0] if self.neutralize: f_ = self.make_neutral(f_) fs = [f_] for i_ in reversed(xrange(self.n)): bs.insert(0, self.R(bs[0])) m = int(self.get_N(len(bs[0]), inverse=True)) f_ = np.linalg.lstsq(As[m], bs[0])[0] if self.neutralize: f_ = self.make_neutral(f_) fs.insert(0, f_) return Container(x=xs, A=As, R=Rs, I=Is, S=Ss, T=Ts, b=bs, f=fs)
[docs]class MultigridPeriodic(MultigridBase): r"""Multigrid class for use with Periodic boundary conditions. The interpolation and restriction operators here are: The restriction matrix for $n_0=2$ and $n=2\rightarrow 1$ is .. math:: \mat{R} = \tfrac{1}{2}\mat{I}^{T} = \frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} \\ 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2} \end{pmatrix} The interpolation matrix for $n_0=2$ and $n=1\rightarrow 2$ is .. math:: \mat{I} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2} \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} \\ \end{pmatrix} which preserve the Galerkin condition for operators of the form $T$ (yet to check) .. math:: \mat{T}_{\text{Periodic}} = \frac{1}{\delta^2}\begin{pmatrix} -2 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & -2 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 & -2 \\ \end{pmatrix}. in the sense that $\mat{R}\mat{T}\mat{I} \simeq \mat{T}/4$ has the same tridiagonal form. In addition, the operator satisfies the symmetry and charge-neutrality conditions: .. math:: \mat{T} = \mat{T}^{T}, \qquad \sum_{i}\mat{T}_{ij} = 0. One has the following sequence of grid sizes: .. math:: N = 2^{n}n_0 """ _state_vars = [ ('problem.periodic', True), ] process_vars() def __init__(self, *v, **kw): self.N = self.get_N(self.n) self.dx_n = np.diff(self.x()[0:2])[0]*2**self.n def x(self, N=None): r"""Return abscissa for grid. The abscissa are: .. math:: x_{i} = \delta i, \qquad \delta = \frac{L}{N+1}, \qquad i=0, ..N-1 :: 0 x x x x ... x x o |----|----|----|----|-- ... |----|----| -d 0 d 2d 3d ... L-d 0 = x -1 0 1 2 3 ...N-2 N-1 0 = N R B R B B R """ if N is None: N = self.N if self.inclusive: raise(NotImplementedError) else: #L = 2 defined in self.problem.L dx = self.problem.L/(N) x0 = 0 return np.linspace(x0, self.problem.L - x0, (N+1))[0:-1] def make_neutral(self, f): r"""Subtract the constant piece from `f` using the appropriate integration and subtraction scheme. If :attr:`exclusive`, then .. math:: \int_0^L f(x) \d{x} \approx \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} f_n and the constant constributes as $\int c = cN$. """ f_sum = sum(f) if self.inclusive: Raise(NotImplementedError) else: c = len(f) return f - f_sum/c def R(self, f): r"""Restriction operator: .. math:: \mat{R} = \tfrac{1}{2}\mat{I}^{T} = \frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} \\ 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2} \end{pmatrix} """ res = 1*f[0::2] res = res+f[1::2]/2.0 res = res+np.append(f[-1], f[1:-1:2])/2.0 res /= 2 return res def I(self, f): r"""Interpolation operator: .. math:: \mat{I} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2} \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\ \tfrac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 & \tfrac{1}{2} \\ \end{pmatrix} """ N = len(f) N_new = 2*N res = np.empty(N_new, dtype=float) res[0::2] = f res[1::2] = (f[0::1] + np.append(f[1::1], f[0]))/2.0 return res def T(self, f, diag=False): r"""Act with the operator $T(f)=f''$ at the highest level. .. math:: \mat{T}_{\text{Periodic}} = \frac{1}{\delta^2}\begin{pmatrix} -2 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & -2 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & -2 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 & -2 \\ \end{pmatrix}. .. note:: In order to preserve the Galerkin properties, we must ensure that the step size $\delta_n = 2\delta_{n-1}$. Parameters ---------- f : array diag : bool If `True`, then return the diagonals. """ m = self.get_N(len(f), inverse=True) dx = self.dx_n/2**m if diag: res = -2*np.ones(len(f), dtype=f.dtype) else: f_aug = np.empty(len(f)+2, dtype=f.dtype) f_aug[1:-1] = f f_aug[0] = f[-1] f_aug[-1] = f[0] res = -2*f + f_aug[2:] + f_aug[:-2] res /= dx**2 return res def D(self, f, x): r"""Return $D(f)$, the diagonal portion of the problem (not including the operator $-T = -\nabla^2$) acting on `f`. This simply calls ``self.problem.D``. It is intended that this only be called on the top-level problem. """ return self.problem.D(f, x) def smooth(self, f, b): r"""Smoothing operator. The method depends on :attr:`smoothing_method`: `0` : Weighted Jacobi: .. math:: \vect{f} \rightarrow \vect{f} - \tfrac{2}{3}\mat{d}^{-1} (\mat{A}\vect{f} - \vect{b}) `1` : Red-Black Gauss-Seidel: If :attr:`inclusive` is `False`, then the abscissa are interior: .. math:: x_{n} = \frac{\delta}{2} + \delta n, \qquad \delta = \frac{L}{N} :: 0 x x x x ... x x o |----|----|----|----|-- ... |----|----| -d 0 d 2d 3d ... L-d 0 = x -1 0 1 2 3 ...N-2 N-1 0 = N R B R B B R Implemented only for weight = 1 .. math:: \vect{z}^{m+1}_{red} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{f}^{m} - A_{black} \vect{f}^{m}_{black})\\ \vect{z}^{m+1}_{black} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{f}^{m} - A_{red} \vect{f}^{m}_{red})\\ \vect{z}^{m+1}_{black} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{f}^{m} - A_{red} \vect{f}^{m}_{red})\\ \vect{z}^{m+1}_{red} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{f}^{m} - A_{black} \vect{f}^{m}_{black}) `2` : Lexicographic Gauss-Seidel: .. math:: \vect{z}^{m+1}_{red} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{b} - \mat{L}\vect{f}^{m+1} - \mat{U}\vect{f}^{m})\\ \vect{f}^{m+1} = \vect{f}^{m} + weight*(\vect{z}^{m+1}-\vect{f}^{m}) \vect{z}^{m+2}_{red} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{b} - \mat{U}\vect{f}^{m+2} - \mat{L}\vect{f}^{m+1})\\ \vect{f}^{m+2} = \vect{f}^{m+1} + weight*(\vect{z}^{m+2}-\vect{f}^{m+1}) Parameters ---------- f : array Solution to be smoothed. b : array Right hand side. """ m = self.get_N(len(f), inverse=True) res = -self.residue(f, b) if 0 == self.smoothing_method: # Weighted Jacobi d = (-self.T(f, diag=True) + self.problem.D(0*f + 1, self.x(len(f)))) return f - 2/3*res/d elif 1 == self.smoothing_method: #weighted Red-Black Gauss-Seidel #f[red] = d**(-1)(b[red]-A_black*f[black]) # = d**(-1)(b[red]+T_black*f[black]) # = d**(-1)(b[red]+f[black]/dx**2) #and similarly for black weight = 1 if weight != 1: raise(NotImplementedError) if ((f.shape[0]==0) |(np.mod(f.shape[0], 2)==1)): raise(NotImplementedError) dx = self.dx_n/2**m d = (-self.T(f, diag=True) + self.problem.D(0*f + 1, self.x(len(f)))) f[0::2] = (b[0::2] + f[1::2]/dx**2 + np.append(f[-1], f[1:-1:2])/dx**2)/d[0::2] f[1::2] = (b[1::2] + f[0::2]/dx**2 + np.append(f[2::2], f[0])/dx**2)/d[1::2] f[1::2] = (b[1::2] + f[0::2]/dx**2 + np.append(f[2::2], f[0])/dx**2)/d[1::2] f[0::2] = (b[0::2] + f[1::2]/dx**2 + np.append(f[-1], f[1:-1:2])/dx**2)/d[0::2] #we operate twice to maintain symmetry of the operator. return f else: #weighted Lexicographic Gauss-Seidel weight = 1 if ((f.shape[0]==0)): raise(NotImplementedError) d = (-self.T(f, diag=True) + self.problem.D(0*f + 1, self.x(len(f)))) dx = self.dx_n/2**m f[0] = (1-weight)*f[0] + weight*(b[0]+f[1]/dx**2+f[-1]/dx**2)/d[0] for i in range(1, f.shape[0]-1): f[i] = (1-weight)*f[i] +\ weight*(b[i]+f[i+1]/dx**2+f[i-1]/dx**2)/d[i] f[-1] = (1-weight)*f[-1] +\ weight*(b[-1]+f[-2]/dx**2+f[0]/dx**2)/d[-1] return f
[docs]class MultigridNeumann(MultigridBase): r"""Multigrid class for use with Neumann boundary conditions. The interpolation and restriction operators here are: .. math:: \mat{I} = \begin{pmatrix} 1\\ \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & 1 \\ & \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & & \ddots\\ & & & & \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & & & & & 1 \end{pmatrix} \qquad \mat{R} = \tfrac{1}{2}\mat{I}^{T} = \frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ && \ddots\\ & & & & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & & & & & & 1 \end{pmatrix} which preserve the Galerkin condition for operators of the form .. math:: \mat{T}_{\text{Neumann}} = \frac{1}{\delta^2}\begin{pmatrix} -1 & 1 & \\ 1 & -2 & 1\\ & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots\\ & & 1 & -2 & 1\\ & & & 1 & -1 \\ \end{pmatrix}. in the sense that $\mat{R}\mat{T}\mat{I} \simeq \mat{T}/4$ has the same tridiagonal form. In addition, the operator satisfies the symmetry and charge-neutrality conditions: .. math:: \mat{T} = \mat{T}^{T}, \qquad \sum_{i}\mat{T}_{ij} = 0. One has the following sequence of grid sizes: .. math:: N = 2^{n}(n_0 - 1) + 1 """ _state_vars = [ ('inclusive', False, r"""One can use either interpretation of the boundary conditions. If :attr:`inclusive` is `True`, then the abscissa include the endpoints: .. math:: x_{n} = \delta n, \qquad \delta = \frac{L}{N-1} :: x x x ... x x |---|---|-- ... |---| 0 d 2d ... L Note that in this case, the proper integration rule is the trapezoidal rule with factors of 1/2 at the endpoints (see :meth:`make_neutral`): .. math:: \int_0^L f(x) \d{x} \approx \frac{f_0}{2} + f_1 + \cdots + f_{N-2} + \frac{f_{N-1}}{2} If :attr:`inclusive` is `False`, then the abscissa are interior: .. math:: x_{n} = \frac{\delta}{2} + \delta n, \qquad \delta = \frac{L}{N} :: o x x x ... x x o |--|----|----|-- ... |----|--| 0 d/2 3d/2 5d/2 ... L The proper integration rule is now a midpoint trapezoidal rule without factors of 1/2 (see :meth:`make_neutral`): .. math:: \int_0^L f(x) \d{x} \approx \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} f_n """), ('problem.periodic', False), ] process_vars() def __init__(self, *v, **kw): self.N = self.get_N(self.n) self.dx_n = np.diff(self.x()[0:2])[0]*2**self.n def x(self, N=None): r"""Return abscissa for grid.""" if N is None: N = self.N if self.inclusive: dx = self.problem.L/(N-1) x0 = 0 else: dx = self.problem.L/N x0 = dx/2 return np.linspace(x0, self.problem.L - x0, N) def make_neutral(self, f): r"""Subtract the constant piece from `f` using the appropriate integration and subtraction scheme. If :attr:`inclusive`, then .. math:: \int_0^L f(x) \d{x} \approx \frac{f_0}{2} + f_1 + \cdots + f_{N-2} + \frac{f_{N-1}}{2} and the constant contributes as $\int c = c(N-1)$, otherwise .. math:: \int_0^L f(x) \d{x} \approx \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} f_n and the constant constributes as $\int c = cN$. """ f_sum = sum(f) if self.inclusive: f_sum -= (f[0] + f[-1])/2 c = len(f) - 1 else: c = len(f) return f - f_sum/c def R(self, f): r"""Restriction operator: .. math:: \mat{R} = \tfrac{1}{2}\mat{I}^{T} = \frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ && \ddots\\ & & & & \tfrac{1}{2} & 1 & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & & & & & & 1 \end{pmatrix} """ res = 1*f[::2] res[:-1] += f[1::2]/2 res[1:] += f[1::2]/2 res /= 2 return res def I(self, f): r"""Interpolation operator: .. math:: \mat{I} = \begin{pmatrix} 1\\ \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & 1 \\ & \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & & \ddots\\ & & & & \tfrac{1}{2} & \tfrac{1}{2}\\ & & & & & 1 \end{pmatrix} """ N = len(f) N_new = 2*N - 1 res = np.empty(N_new, dtype=float) res[::2] = f res[1::2] = (f[1:] + f[:-1])/2 return res def T(self, f, diag=False): r"""Act with the operator $T(f)=f''$ at the highest level. .. math:: \mat{T}_{\text{Neumann}} = \frac{1}{\delta^2}\begin{pmatrix} -1 & 1 & \\ 1 & -2 & 1\\ & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots\\ & & 1 & -2 & 1\\ & & & 1 & -1 \\ \end{pmatrix}. .. note:: In order to preserve the Galerkin properties, we must ensure that the step size $\delta_n = 2\delta_{n-1}$ even though the lattice will not satisfy this except at the highest level. Parameters ---------- f : array diag : bool If `True`, then return the diagonals. """ m = int(self.get_N(len(f), inverse=True)) dx = self.dx_n/2**m if diag: res = -2*np.ones(len(f), dtype=f.dtype) res[0] = -1 res[-1] = -1 else: f_aug = np.empty(len(f)+2, dtype=f.dtype) f_aug[1:-1] = f f_aug[0] = f[0] f_aug[-1] = f[-1] res = -2*f + f_aug[2:] + f_aug[:-2] res /= dx**2 return res def D(self, f, x): r"""Return $D(f)$, the diagonal portion of the problem (not including the operator $-T = -\nabla^2$) acting on `f`. This simply calls ``self.problem.D`` and then corrects the endpoints if :attr:`inclusive`. It is intended that this only be called on the top-level problem. """ d = self.problem.D(f, x) if self.inclusive: # Correct endpoints d[[0, -1]] /= 2 return d def smooth(self, f, b): r"""Smoothing operator. The method depends on :attr:`smoothing_method`: `0` : Weighted Jacobi: .. math:: \vect{f} \rightarrow \vect{f} - \tfrac{2}{3}\mat{d}^{-1} (\mat{A}\vect{f} - \vect{b}) `1` : Red-Black Gauss-Seidel: If :attr:`inclusive` is `True`, then the abscissa include the endpoints: .. math:: x_{n} = \delta n, \qquad \delta = \frac{L}{N-1} :: x x x ... x x |---|---|-- ... |---| 0 d 2d ... L 0 1 2 ...N-2 N-1 R---B---R-- ... B---R If :attr:`inclusive` is `False`, then the abscissa are interior: .. math:: x_{n} = \frac{\delta}{2} + \delta n, \qquad \delta = \frac{L}{N} :: o x x x ... x x o |--|----|----|-- ... |----|--| 0 d/2 3d/2 5d/2 ... L 0 1 2 ...N-2 N-1 ---R----B----R-- ... B----R--- Implemented only for weight = 1 .. math:: \vect{z}^{m+1}_{red} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{f}^{m} - A_{black} \vect{f}^{m}_{black} )\\ \vect{z}^{m+1}_{black} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{f}^{m} - A_{red} \vect{f}^{m}_{red} )\\ \vect{z}^{m+1}_{black} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{f}^{m} - A_{red} \vect{f}^{m}_{red} )\\ \vect{z}^{m+1}_{red} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{f}^{m} - A_{black} \vect{f}^{m}_{black} ) `2` : Lexicographic Gauss-Seidel: .. math:: \vect{z}^{m+1}_{red} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{b} - \mat{L}\vect{f}^{m+1} - \mat{U}\vect{f}^{m})\\ \vect{f}^{m+1} = \vect{f}^{m} + weight*(\vect{z}^{m+1}-\vect{f}^{m}) \vect{z}^{m+2}_{red} = \mat{d}^{-1} (\vect{b} - \mat{U}\vect{f}^{m+2} - \mat{L}\vect{f}^{m+1})\\ \vect{f}^{m+2} = \vect{f}^{m+1} + weight*(\vect{z}^{m+2}-\vect{f}^{m+1}) Parameters ---------- f : array Solution to be smoothed. b : array Right hand side. """ m = int(self.get_N(len(f), inverse=True)) res = -self.residue(f, b) if 0 == self.smoothing_method: # Weighted Jacobi d = (-self.T(f, diag=True) + self.problem.D(0*f + 1, self.x(len(f)))) return f - 2/3*res/d elif 1 == self.smoothing_method: #weighted Red-Black Gauss-Seidel #f[red] = d**(-1)(b[red]-A_black*f[black]) # = d**(-1)(b[red]+T_black*f[black]) # = d**(-1)(b[red]+f[black]/dx**2) #and similarly for black weight = 1 if weight != 1: raise(NotImplementedError) if ((f.shape[0]==1) |(np.mod(f.shape[0], 2)==0)): raise(NotImplementedError) dx = self.dx_n/2**m d = (-self.T(f, diag=True) + self.problem.D(0*f + 1, self.x(len(f)))) f[0::2] = (b[0::2] + np.append(f[1::2], 0)/dx**2 + np.append(0, f[1:-1:2])/dx**2)/d[0::2] f[1::2] = (b[1::2] + f[0:-1:2]/dx**2 + f[2::2]/dx**2)/d[1::2] f[1::2] = (b[1::2] + f[0:-1:2]/dx**2 + f[2::2]/dx**2)/d[1::2] f[0::2] = (b[0::2] + np.append(f[1::2], 0)/dx**2 + np.append(0, f[1:-1:2])/dx**2)/d[0::2] #we operate twice to maintain symmetry of the operator. return f else: #weighted Lexicographic Gauss-Seidel weight = 1 d = (-self.T(f, diag=True) + self.problem.D(0*f + 1, self.x(len(f)))) dx = self.dx_n/2**m f[0] = (1-weight)*f[0] + weight*(b[0]+f[1]/dx**2)/d[0] for i in range(1, f.shape[0]-1): f[i] = (1-weight)*f[i] +\ weight*(b[i]+f[i+1]/dx**2 + f[i-1]/dx**2)/d[i] f[-1] = (1-weight)*f[-1] +\ weight*(b[-1] + f[-2]/dx**2)/d[-1] return f ''' .. plot:: :include-source: import scipy.integrate n0 = 2 n = 7 N = 2**n*(n0 - 1) + 1 Rs = {} Is = {} As = {} one = ones(N, dtype=float) T = np.diag(-2*one) + np.diag(one[:-1], 1) + np.diag(one[:-1], -1) Neumann = False if Neumann: T[0, :2] = [-1, 1] T[-1, -2:] = [1, -1] L = 1 else: T[0, -1] = 1 T[-1, 0] = 1 L = 2 dx = L/N x = np.linspace(0, 1, N)*(L-dx) + dx/2 T /= dx**2 a = 5 f = np.exp(a*(cos(np.pi*x) - 1)) b = a*np.pi**2*(np.cos(np.pi*x) - a*np.sin(np.pi*x)**2)*f f -= sp.integrate.quad(lambda x:np.exp(a*(cos(np.pi*x) - 1)), 0, L)[0]/L def R(f): res = 1*f[::2] res[:-1] += f[1::2]/2 res[1:] += f[1::2]/2 res /= 2 return res def I(f): N = len(f) N_new = 2*N - 1 res = np.empty(N_new, dtype=float) res[::2] = f res[1::2] = (f[1:] + f[:-1])/2 return res def A(f): "Apply the operator A" n = 0 while len(f) < N: f = I(f) n += 1 f =, f) while n > 0: f = R(f) n -= 1 return f As = [] Rs = [] Is = [] Ss = [] for m in xrange(n+1): M = int(self.get_N(len(f))) print m, n zero = np.zeros(M, dtype=float) Rs.append(np.zeros(((M+1)/2, M), dtype=float)) Is.append(np.zeros((2*M-1, M), dtype=float)) As.append(np.zeros((M, M), dtype=float)) for i_ in xrange(M): zero[i_] = 1 Rs[-1][:, i_] = R(zero) Is[-1][:, i_] = I(zero) As[-1][:, i_] = A(zero) zero[i_] = 0 Ss.append(np.eye(M) - 2/3/diag(As[-1])[:, None]*As[-1]) bs = [b] f_ = np.linalg.lstsq(As[-1], bs[0])[0] f_ -= sum(f_)/len(f_) fs = [f_] for i_ in reversed(xrange(n)): bs.insert(0, R(bs[0])) m = int(self.get_N(len(f), inverse=True)) fs.insert(0, np.linalg.lstsq(As[m], bs[0])[0]) fs[0] -= sum(fs[0])/len(fs[0]) for i_ in xrange(n+1): ans = np.linalg.lstsq(As[i_], bs[i_])[0] while len(ans) < N: ans = I(ans) ans -= sum(ans)/len(ans) plot(x, ans - fs[-1]) def smooth(f, b): m = int(self.get_N(len(f), inverse=True)) res = A(f) - b return f - 2/3*res/np.diag(As[m]) def v_cycle(f, b): m = int(self.get_N(len(f), inverse=True)) if m == 0: A_ = As[m] f = np.linalg.lstsq(A_, b)[0] else: f = smooth(f, b) f = smooth(f, b) err = A(f) - b corr = I(v_cycle(0*R(f), R(err))) f -= corr f = smooth(f, b) f = smooth(f, b) return f - sum(f)/len(f) def fmg(): f = v_cycle(0*bs[0], bs[0]) for m in xrange(1, n+1): f = v_cycle(I(f), bs[m]) return f '''
def comparing_periodic(): '''comparing the various implementation of periodic''' mg = MultigridPeriodic(inclusive=False, smoothing_method=0, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.subplot(121) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'r:', label='residue J') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'r-', label='err J') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'r--', label='exact err J') pl.plt.legend()
[docs]def comparing_periodic(): '''comparing the various smoothings of periodic''' mg = MultigridPeriodic(inclusive=False, smoothing_method=0, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'r:', label='residue J') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'r-', label='err J') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'r--', label='exact err J') pl.plt.legend() mg = MultigridPeriodic(inclusive=False, smoothing_method=1, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'g:', label='residue RBGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'g-', label='err RBGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'g--', label='exact err RBGS') pl.plt.legend() mg = MultigridPeriodic(inclusive=False, smoothing_method=2, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'b:', label='residue LGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'b-', label='err LGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'b--', label='exact err LGS') pl.plt.legend() pl.plt.title('Not Inclusive')
def comparing_neumann(): '''comparing the various implementation of neumann''' mg = MultigridNeumann(inclusive=False, smoothing_method=0, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.subplot(121) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'r:', label='residue J') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'r-', label='err J') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'r--', label='exact err J') pl.plt.legend() mg = MultigridNeumann(inclusive=False, smoothing_method=1, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.subplot(121) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'g:', label='residue RBGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'g-', label='err RBGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'g--', label='exact err RBGS') pl.plt.legend() mg = MultigridNeumann(inclusive=False, smoothing_method=2, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.subplot(121) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'b:', label='residue LGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'b-', label='err LGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'b--', label='exact err LGS') pl.plt.legend() pl.plt.title('Not Inclusive') mg = MultigridNeumann(inclusive=True, smoothing_method=0, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) b[[0, -1]] /= 2 f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.subplot(122) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'r:', label='residue J') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'r-', label='err J') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'r--', label='exact err J') pl.plt.legend() mg = MultigridNeumann(inclusive=True, smoothing_method=1, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) b[[0, -1]] /= 2 f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.subplot(122) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'g:', label='residue RBGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'g-', label='err RBGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'g--', label='exact err RBGS') pl.plt.legend() pl.plt.title('Inclusive') mg = MultigridNeumann(inclusive=True, smoothing_method=2, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) b[[0, -1]] /= 2 f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*x res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(10): g = mg.f_cycle(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) pl.plt.subplot(122) pl.plt.semilogy(res, 'b:', label='residue LGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err_, 'b-', label='err LGS') pl.plt.semilogy(err, 'b--', label='exact err LGS') pl.plt.legend() pl.plt.title('Inclusive') def test_smoother_convergence(smoothing_method = 0, inclusive=False, periodic=True): ''' Testing the convergence of various smoothers for inclusive and non-inclusive boundary conditions ''' if (periodic): mg = MultigridPeriodic(inclusive=False, smoothing_method=smoothing_method, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*f res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(1000): g = mg.smooth(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) else: mg = MultigridNeumann(inclusive=inclusive, smoothing_method=smoothing_method, neutralize=True) x = mg.x(); dx = x[1]-x[0] f = mg.problem.f(x) b = mg.problem.b(x) A = mg.to_mat(mg.A, len(f)) if inclusive: b[[0, -1]] /= 2 f_ = mg.make_neutral(np.linalg.lstsq(A, b)[0]) g = 0*f res = [abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()] err = [abs(g - f).max()] err_ = [abs(g - f_).max()] for n in xrange(1000): g = mg.smooth(g, b) res.append(abs(mg.residue(g, b)).max()) err.append(abs(g - f).max()) err_.append(abs(g - f_).max()) #pl.clf() pl.subplot(211) pl.plot(res, ':', label='residue') pl.subplot(212) pl.plot(err_, '-', label='err') pl.plot(err, '--', label='exact err') pl.legend() pl.title('Iterating using smoother', ) def test_I_R(m=3, periodic=False, inclusive=False): """ testing the interpolation and the restriction operator for various boundary conditions """ n = m+1 if periodic: mg = MultigridPeriodic(inclusive=False, n=n) else: mg = MultigridNeumann(inclusive=False, n=n) mats = mg.mats() Rmn = mats.R[n] An, Am = mats.A[n], mats.A[m] Inm = mats.I[m] print(Am -, An), Inm)) class Neumann(object): """Demo of 1D Neumann problem."""