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se99(A) Return (L, e): the Schnabel-Eskow generalized Cholesky

Modified Cholesky.

This module provides different methods for computing the Modified Cholesky Factorization of a symmetric matrix \mat{A} = \mat{A}^{T}:

\mat{A} + \diag(\vect{e}) = \mat{L}\mat{L}^{T} = \mat{M}.

These algorithms attempt to satisfy the following goals:

  1. \mat{M} is safely symmetric positive definite (SPD) and well conditioned.
  2. \vect{e} is as small as possible, meaning that it is zero if \mat{A} is already SPD and not much larger than the most negative eigenvalue \lambda_{0} of \mat{A}. The figure of merit in this sense is usually -\norm{\vect{e}}_{\infty}/\lambda_{0}.
  3. Efficient computational efficiency.

The original algorithms

[GM74]Philip E. Gill and Walter Murray, “Newton-type methods for unconstrained and linearly constrained optimization”, Mathematical Programming 7(1), 311 – 350 (1974).
[GMW81]P. E. Gill, W. Murray, and M. H. Wright, “Practical Optimization”, Academic Press, London, (1981).
[SE90]Robert B. Schnabel and Elizabeth Eskow, “A New Modified Cholesky Factorization”, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 11(6), 1136-1158 (1990).
[SE99]Robert B. Schnabel and Elizabeth Eskow, `”A Revised Modified Cholesky Factorization Algorithm” <>`_, SIAM Journal on Optimization 9(4), 1135 – 1148 (1999).



proc gmchol(A);
   /* calculates the Gill-Murray generalized choleski decomposition */
   /* input matrix A must be non-singular and symmetric */
   /* Author: Jeff Gill. Part of the Hessian Project. */
   local i,j,k,n,sum,R,theta_j,norm_A,phi_j,delta,xi_j,gamm,E,beta_j;
   n = rows(A);
   R = eye(n);
   E = zeros(n,n);
   norm_A = maxc(sumc(abs(A)));
   gamm = maxc(abs(diag(A))); 
   delta = maxc(maxc(__macheps*norm_A~__macheps));
   for j (1, n, 1); 
      theta_j = 0;
      for i (1, n, 1);
         sum = 0;
         for k (1, (i-1), 1);       
            sum = sum + R[k,i]*R[k,j];
         R[i,j] = (A[i,j] - sum)/R[i,i];
         if (A[i,j] -sum) > theta_j;
            theta_j = A[i,j] - sum;
         if i > j;
            R[i,j] = 0;
      sum = 0;
      for k (1, (j-1), 1);  
         sum = sum + R[k,j]^2;
      phi_j = A[j,j] - sum;
      if (j+1) <= n;
         xi_j = maxc(abs(A[(j+1):n,j]));
         xi_j = maxc(abs(A[n,j]));
      beta_j = sqrt(maxc(maxc(gamm~(xi_j/n)~__macheps)));
      if delta >= maxc(abs(phi_j)~((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)));
         E[j,j] = delta - phi_j;
      elseif abs(phi_j) >= maxc(((delta^2)/(beta_j^2))~delta);
         E[j,j] = abs(phi_j) - phi_j;
      elseif ((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)) >= maxc(delta~abs(phi_j));
         E[j,j] = ((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)) - phi_j;
      R[j,j] = sqrt(A[j,j] - sum + E[j,j]);

Return (L, e): the Schnabel-Eskow generalized Cholesky decomposition of M = A + diag(e) = dot(L, L.T) where

  1. M is safely symmetric positive definite (SPD) and well conditioned.
  2. e is small (zero if A is already SPD and not much larger than the most negative eigenvalue of A)

\mat{A} + \diag{e} = \mat{L}\mat{L}^{T}

Parameters :

A : array

Must be a non-singular and symmetric matrix

test : bool

If True, use the directly translated iterative code for testing.

Returns :

L : 2d array

Lower triangular Cholesky factor.

e : 1d array

Diagonals of correction matrix E.


>>> np.random.seed(3)
>>> A = np.random.rand(100,100)*2 - 1
>>> A = A + A.T
>>> L, e = sechol(A)
>>> np.allclose(,L.T), (A + np.diag(e)))
>>> np.linalg.eigvalsh(A).min()
>>> A2 =  np.array([[-0.451, -0.041, 0.124],
...                 [-0.041, -0.265, 0.061],
...                 [ 0.124, 0.061, -0.517]])
>>> L, e = sechol(A2, test=True)
>>> e.max()/np.linalg.eigvalsh(A).min()

This is based on the code in