Source code for mmf.math.linalg.cholesky.cholesky_

r"""Modified Cholesky.

This module provides different methods for computing the Modified
Cholesky Factorization of a symmetric matrix $\mat{A} = \mat{A}^{T}$:

.. math::
   \mat{A} + \diag(\vect{e}) = \mat{L}\mat{L}^{T} = \mat{M}.

These algorithms attempt to satisfy the following goals:

1) $\mat{M}$ is safely symmetric positive definite (SPD) and well
2) $\vect{e}$ is as small as possible, meaning that it is zero if $\mat{A}$ is
   already SPD and not much larger than the most negative eigenvalue
   $\lambda_{0}$ of $\mat{A}$.  The figure of merit in this sense is
   usually $-\norm{\vect{e}}_{\infty}/\lambda_{0}$.
3) Efficient computational efficiency.

The original algorithms

.. [GM74] Philip E. Gill and Walter Murray, `"Newton-type
   methods for unconstrained and linearly constrained optimization"
   <>`_, Mathematical Programming
   7(1), 311 -- 350 (1974).
.. [GMW81] P. E. Gill, W. Murray, and M. H. Wright, `"Practical Optimization"
   <>`_, Academic Press,
   London, (1981).
.. [SE90] Robert B. Schnabel and Elizabeth Eskow, `"A New Modified
   Cholesky Factorization" <>`_, SIAM
   Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 11(6), 1136-1158
.. [SE99] Robert B. Schnabel and Elizabeth Eskow, `"A Revised Modified
   Cholesky Factorization Algorithm" <>`_, SIAM Journal on
   Optimization 9(4), 1135 -- 1148 (1999).


    proc gmchol(A);
       /* calculates the Gill-Murray generalized choleski decomposition */
       /* input matrix A must be non-singular and symmetric */
       /* Author: Jeff Gill. Part of the Hessian Project. */
       local i,j,k,n,sum,R,theta_j,norm_A,phi_j,delta,xi_j,gamm,E,beta_j;
       n = rows(A);
       R = eye(n);
       E = zeros(n,n);
       norm_A = maxc(sumc(abs(A)));
       gamm = maxc(abs(diag(A))); 
       delta = maxc(maxc(__macheps*norm_A~__macheps));
       for j (1, n, 1); 
          theta_j = 0;
          for i (1, n, 1);
             sum = 0;
             for k (1, (i-1), 1);	
                sum = sum + R[k,i]*R[k,j];
             R[i,j] = (A[i,j] - sum)/R[i,i];
             if (A[i,j] -sum) > theta_j;
                theta_j = A[i,j] - sum;
             if i > j;
                R[i,j] = 0;
          sum = 0;
          for k (1, (j-1), 1);	
             sum = sum + R[k,j]^2;
          phi_j = A[j,j] - sum;
          if (j+1) <= n;
             xi_j = maxc(abs(A[(j+1):n,j]));
             xi_j = maxc(abs(A[n,j]));
          beta_j = sqrt(maxc(maxc(gamm~(xi_j/n)~__macheps)));
          if delta >= maxc(abs(phi_j)~((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)));
             E[j,j] = delta - phi_j;
          elseif abs(phi_j) >= maxc(((delta^2)/(beta_j^2))~delta);
             E[j,j] = abs(phi_j) - phi_j;
          elseif ((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)) >= maxc(delta~abs(phi_j));
             E[j,j] = ((theta_j^2)/(beta_j^2)) - phi_j;
          R[j,j] = sqrt(A[j,j] - sum + E[j,j]);
__all__ = ['se99']
[docs]def se99(A): """Return `(L, e)`: the Schnabel-Eskow generalized Cholesky decomposition of `M = A + diag(e) = dot(L, L.T)` where 1) `M` is safely symmetric positive definite (SPD) and well conditioned. 2) `e` is small (zero if `A` is already SPD and not much larger than the most negative eigenvalue of `A`) .. math:: \mat{A} + \diag{e} = \mat{L}\mat{L}^{T} Parameters ---------- A : array Must be a non-singular and symmetric matrix test : bool If `True`, use the directly translated iterative code for testing. Returns ------- L : 2d array Lower triangular Cholesky factor. e : 1d array Diagonals of correction matrix `E`. Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(3) >>> A = np.random.rand(100,100)*2 - 1 >>> A = A + A.T >>> L, e = sechol(A) >>> np.allclose(,L.T), (A + np.diag(e))) True >>> np.linalg.eigvalsh(A).min() () >>> A2 = np.array([[-0.451, -0.041, 0.124], ... [-0.041, -0.265, 0.061], ... [ 0.124, 0.061, -0.517]]) >>> L, e = sechol(A2, test=True) >>> e.max()/np.linalg.eigvalsh(A).min() This is based on the code in """ n = A.shape[0] phase_one = True gamma = abs(A.diagonal()).max() j = 0 tau = _EPS**(1/3) taut = tau*tau mu = 0.1 # Phase one, A potentially positive-definite L = A E = np.zeros(n, dtype=float) while j < n and phase_one: a_max = A.diagonal()[j:].max() a_min = A.diagonal()[j:].min if (a_max < taut*gamma or a_min < -mu*a_max): phase_one = False else: # Pivot on maximum diagonal of remaining submatrix i = j + np.argmax(A.diagonal()[j:]) if i != j: A[[i,j],:] = A[[j,i],:] A[:, [i,j]] = A[:,[j,i]] if ((A.diagonal()[j+1:] - A[j+1:,j]**2/A.diagonal()[j]).min() < -mu*gamma): phase_one = False # go to phase two else: # perform jth iteration of factorization L[j,j] = np.sqrt(A[j,j]) # L[j j] overwrites A[j j] for i in xrange(j+1, n): L[j,j] = A[i,j]/L[j,j] # L[i j] overwrites A[i j] A[i,j+1:i+1] -= L[i,j]*L[j+1:i+1,j] A[i,i] -= L[i,j]**2 j += 1 # End phase 1 # Phase two, A not positive-definite if not phase_one and j == n - 1: E[-1] = delta = -A[-1,-1] + max(-tau*A[-1,-1]/(1-tau), taut*gamma) A[-1,-1] += delta L[-1,-1] = np.sqrt(A[-1,-1]) delta_p = 0 g = np.zeros(n, dtype=float) if not phase_one and j < n - 1: k = j - 1 # k = number of iterations performed in phase one; # Calculate lower Gerschgorin bounds of A[k+1] for i in xrange(k + 1, n): g[i] = A[i,i] - abs(A[i,k+1:i]).sum() - abs(A[i+1:,i]).sum() # Modified Cholesky Decomposition for j in xrange(k + 1, n - 2): # Pivot on maximum lower Gerschgorin bound estimate i = j + np.argmax(g[j:]) if i != j: A[[i,j],:] = A[[j,i],:] A[:, [i,j]] = A[:,[j,i]] # Calculate E[j,j] and add to diagonal norm_j = abs(A[j+1:n,j]).sum() E[j] = delta = max(0, -A[j,j] + max(norm_j, taut*gamma), delta_p) if delta > 0: A[j,j] += delta delta_p = delta # delta_p will contain E_inf # Update Gerschgorin bound estimates if A[j,j] != norm_j: temp = 1 - norm_j/A[j,j] g[j+1:] += abs(A.diagonal()[j+1:])*temp # Perform j th iteration of factorization L[j,j] = np.sqrt(A[j,j]) # L[j j] overwrites A[j j] for i in xrange(j+1, n): L[j,j] = A[i,j]/L[j,j] # L[i j] overwrites A[i j] A[i,j+1:i+1] -= L[i,j]*L[j+1:i+1,j] # Final 2 by 2 submatrix e = np.linalg.eigvalsh(A[-2:,-2:]) e.sort() delta = max(0, -e[0] + max(tau*(e[1] - e[0])/(1 - tau), taut*gamma), delta_p) if delta > 0: A[-2,-2] += delta A[-1,-1] += delta delta_p = delta L[-2,-2] = np.sqrt(A[-2,-2]) # overwrites A[-2,-2] L[-1,-2] = A[-1, -2]/L[-2,-2] # overwrites A[-1,-2] L[-1,-1] = np.sqrt(A[-1,-1] - L[-1,-2]**2) # overwrites A[-1,-1] return np.tril(L), E
""" local i,j,k,m,n,gamm,tau,delta,deltaprev,sum1,sum2,eigvals,dlist,dmax, P,Ptemp,Pprod,L,norm_A,normj,g,gmax; n = rows(A); m = cols(A); L = zeros(n,n); deltaprev=0; gamm = maxc(abs(diag(A))); tau = __macheps^(1/3); if minc(eig(A)') > 0; /* print("not pivoting"); */ tau = -1000000; endif; if m ne n; print("sechol: input matrix must be square"); retp(A); endif; norm_A = maxc(sumc(abs(A))); gamm = maxc(abs(diag(A))); delta = maxc(maxc(__macheps*norm_A~__macheps)); Pprod = eye(n); if n > 2; for k (1,(n-2),1); trap 1,1; if minc((diag(A[(k+1):n,(k+1):n])' - A[k,(k+1):n]^2/A[k,k])') < tau*gamm and minc(eig(A[(k+1):n,(k+1):n])) < 0; dmax = maxindc(diag(A[k:n,k:n])); if (A[(k+dmax-1),(k+dmax-1)] > A[k,k]); /* print("pivot using dmax:"); print(dmax); */ P = eye(n); Ptemp = P[k,.]; P[k,.] = P[(k+dmax-1),.]; P[(k+dmax-1),.] = Ptemp; A = P*A*P; L = P*L*P; Pprod = P*Pprod; endif; g = zeros(n-(k-1),1); for i ((k), (n), 1); if i == 1; sum1 = 0; else; sum1 = sumc(abs(A[i,k:(i-1)])'); endif; if i == n; sum2 = 0; else; sum2 = sumc(abs(A[(i+1):n,i])); endif; g[i-(k-1)] = A[i,i] - sum1 - sum2; endfor; gmax = maxindc(g); if gmax /= k; /* print("gerschgorin pivot on cycle:"); print(k); */ P = eye(n); Ptemp = P[k,.]; P[k,.] = P[(k+dmax-1),.]; P[(k+dmax-1),.] = Ptemp; A = P*A*P; L = P*L*P; Pprod = P*Pprod; endif; normj = sumc(abs(A[(k+1):n,k])); delta = maxc((0~deltaprev~-A[k,k]+(maxc(normj~tau*gamm))')'); if delta > 0; A[k,k] = A[k,k] + delta; deltaprev = delta; endif; endif; A[k,k] = sqrt(A[k,k]); L[k,k] = A[k,k]; for i ((k+1), (n), 1); if L[k,k] > __macheps; A[i,k] = A[i,k]/L[k,k]; endif; L[i,k] = A[i,k]; A[i,(k+1):i] = A[i,(k+1):i] - L[i,k]*L[(k+1):i,k]'; if A[i,i] < 0; A[i,i] = 0; endif; endfor; endfor; endif; A[(n-1),n] = A[n,(n-1)]; eigvals = eig(A[(n-1):n,(n-1):n]); dlist = ( (0|deltaprev|-minc(eigvals)+tau*maxc( (1/(1-tau))*(maxc(eigvals)-minc(eigvals))|gamm)) ); if dlist[1] > dlist[2]; delta = dlist[1]; else; delta = dlist[2]; endif; if delta < dlist[3]; delta = dlist[3]; endif; if delta > 0; A[(n-1),(n-1)] = A[(n-1),(n-1)] + delta; A[n,n] = A[n,n] + delta; deltaprev = delta; endif; A[(n-1),(n-1)] = sqrt(A[(n-1),(n-1)]); L[(n-1),(n-1)] = A[(n-1),(n-1)]; A[n,(n-1)] = A[n,(n-1)]/L[(n-1),(n-1)]; L[n,(n-1)] = A[n,(n-1)]; A[n,n] = sqrt(A[n,n] - L[n,(n-1)]^2); L[n,n] = A[n,n]; retp(Pprod'*L'*Pprod'); """ """ % CHOLMOD Modified Cholesky factorization % R = cholmod(A) returns the upper Cholesky factor of A (same as CHOL) % if A is (sufficiently) positive definite, and otherwise returns a % modified factor R with diagonal enries >= sqrt(delta) and % offdiagonal entries <= beta in absolute value, % where delta and beta are defined in terms of size of diagonal and % offdiagonal entries of A and the machine precision; see below. % The idea is to ensure that E = A - R'*R is reasonably small if A is % not too far from being indefinite. If A is sparse, so is R. % The output parameter indef is set to 0 if A is sufficiently positive % definite and to 1 if the factorization is modified. % % The point of modified Cholesky is to avoid computing eigenvalues, % but for dense matrices, MODCHOL takes longer than calling the built-in % EIG, because of the cost of interpreting the code, even though it % only has one loop and uses vector operations. % reference: Nocedal and Wright, Algorithm 3.4 and subsequent discussion % (not Algorithm 3.5, which is more complicated) % original algorithm is due to Gill and Murray, 1974 % written by M. Overton,, last modified Feb 2005 % convenient to work with A = LDL' where D is diagonal, L is unit % lower triangular, and so R = (LD^(1/2))' % if sum(sum(abs(A-A'))) > 0 error('A is not symmetric') end % set parameters governing bounds on L and D (eps is machine epsilon) n = length(A); diagA = diag(A); gamma = max(abs(diagA)); % max diagonal entry xi = max(max(abs(A - diag(diagA)))); % max offidagonal entry delta = eps*(max([gamma+xi, 1])); beta = sqrt(max([gamma, xi/n, eps])); indef = 0; % initialize d and L d = zeros(n,1); if issparse(A) L = speye(n); % sparse identity else L = eye(n); end % there are no inner for loops, everything implemented with % vector operations for a reasonable level of efficiency for j = 1:n K = 1:j-1; % column index: all columns to left of diagonal % d(K) doesn't work in case K is empty djtemp = A(j,j) - L(j,K)*(d(K,1).*L(j,K)'); % C(j,j) in book if j < n I = j+1:n; % row index: all rows below diagonal Ccol = A(I,j) - L(I,K)*(d(K,1).*L(j,K)'); % C(I,j) in book theta = max(abs(Ccol)); % guarantees d(j) not too small and L(I,j) not too big % in sufficiently positive definite case, d(j) = djtemp d(j) = max([abs(djtemp), (theta/beta)^2, delta]); L(I,j) = Ccol/d(j); else d(j) = max([abs(djtemp), delta]); end if d(j) > djtemp % A was not sufficiently positive definite indef = 1; end end % convert to usual output format: replace L by L*sqrt(D) and transpose for j=1:n L(:,j) = L(:,j)*sqrt(d(j)); % L = L*diag(sqrt(d)) bad in sparse case end; R = L'; if nargout == 3 E = A - R'*R; end """