2020. Crane, A., Elwood, S. and Lawson, V. Guest Edited forum ‘Repoliticizing Poverty: Relational Reconceptualizations of Impoverishment’ Antipode. In press.
2018. Elwood, S. and Lawson, V. ‘The Arts of Poverty Politics: Real Change’ Social and Cultural Geography.
2018. Victoria Lawson and Sarah Elwood. Relational Poverty Politics. University of Georgia Press.
2017. Gillespie, K. and Lawson, V. ‘My Dog is my Home’ Gender, Place and Culture 24(6), 774-793.
2017. Lawson, V. and Elwood, S. Hegemonies are not totalities! Soundings. 65 Spring Issue []
2016. Sarah Elwood, Victoria Lawson and Eric Sheppard. ‘Geographical Relationality and Poverty Studies’. Progress in Human Geography.
2015. Victoria Lawson, Sarah Elwood, Santiago Canevaro and Nicolas Viotti, ‘”The Poor are us”: middle class poverty politics in Buenos Aires and Seattle’. Environment and Planning A Vol. 47
2015. Sarah Elwood, Victoria Lawson and Sam Nowak. ‘Middle class place-making and poverty politics’ Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105(1), 123-143.
2014. Doreen Massey, Katherine Gibson and Victoria Lawson. Symposium: The Kilburn Manifesto: after neoliberalism? Environment and Planning A 46, 2033-2049.
2014. Victoria Lawson and Sarah Elwood. Encountering Poverty: Space, class and poverty politics. Antipode 46(1), 209-228.
2014. Progress Handbook of Human Geography. R. Lee (lead editor), Castree, N. Lawson, V.,Paasi, A., Philo, C., Roberts, S., Radcliffe, S., and Withers, C., (Eds.) London:Sage.
2014. Kobayashi, A, Lawson, V., Sanders, R. The Whitening of the Public University: The Context for Diversifying Geography. The Professional Geographer 66(2), 230-235.
2011. Atkinson, S, Lawson, V. and Wiles, J. Guest editors of a special issue of Social and Cultural Geography titled ‘Care of the body: spaces of practice. Papers by S. Atkinson, S. Bowlby, E. Hall, M. Green and V. Lawson and J. Wiles. Volume 12 (6): 563-622.
2011. Maia Green and Victoria Lawson. Displacing Care. Social and Cultural Geography. 12(6): 639-654.
2010. Victoria Lawson. ‘Reshaping Economic Geography? Producing spaces of inclusive development.’ Economic Geography 86(4): 351-360.
2010. Victoria Lawson, Lucy Jarosz and Anne Bonds. ‘Dumping grounds and unseen grounds: placing race, ethnicity and poverty in the American Northwest’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(3) 655-677.
2008. Victoria Lawson, Lucy Jarosz and Anne Bonds. ‘Building economies from the bottom-up: (mis)representations of poverty in the American Northwest’ Social and Cultural Geography, 9 (7), 737-753.
2007. Victoria Lawson. Making Development Geography. Invited book for the Arnold Series, Human Geography in the Making, series editor, Alexander Murphy.