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           IN THE PUBLIC Media


            Enter the Dragon: Here Comes 2024,” Politico, December 21, 2023 


           For Beijing, Putting People Back to Work May Prove a Tough Job,” ChinaFile, July 10, 2023.



            Rural Migrants are Denied Rights in Chinese Cities. Can Xi Fix the Problem?” The Christian Science Monitor, January 11, 2022.



            Beijing Loosens Rules on Hiring Graduates from Top Universities,  Times Higher Education, July 30, 2021.



            Changes to China’s Hukou System are Creating New Divides,” The Economist, August 19, 2020.



            Frost Boy’ in China Warms Up the Internet, and Stirs Poverty Debate,” The New York Times, January 15, 2018  (“冰花男孩揭示中国留守儿童困境”)



          One Target in Beijing’s Migrant Crackdown: Schoolchildren,” The New York Times, December 26, 2017. 驱逐的孩子:北京关闭多所农民工子弟学校


           Expelled by Beijing,  Toronto Star, May 12, 2017.


           China’s urbanization, live interview, CCTV America, March 15, 2016


           Panel Discussion: China's Hukou Reform, Today, China Radio International, December 18, 2015.


           China Moves to Normalize the Status of Millions of People on Margins,” wsj.com, December 11, 2015.


           Chinese Parents Go to Court Seeking to Register 2nd Children,” The New York Times, December 7, 2015.


           China still Faces ‘More Serious’ Problem of Household Registration System,” Globe and Mail, October 30, 2015.


           China’s Closed Cities Threaten Population Goals, Report Says,” WSJ.com, December 17, 2014


           中国流动人口约2.3亿 美媒称户籍改革应更大胆,”《参考消息》, 2014-12-19


         Why China's Gigantic Cities Are Just Too Small,” Bloomberg News, October 19, 2014.


          Emerging from the Shadows,” The Economist, April 19, 2014.


          Building the Dream, The Economist, Special report on China, April 18, 2014


          The Limits to China’s Planned Urban Revolution,” CNN Money, March 18, 2014


          100 Million Chinese to Get Greater City Benefits ,” AFP News, March 17, 2014


          Preparing for China's Urban Billion,” NPR Market Place,  March 12, 2014.


           China's Urban Drive Risks Digging Economic Hole,  AFP, March 4, 2014.


          Shanghai Test Scores and the Mystery of the Missing Children,” New York Times, January 23, 2014. (“上海全民教育成就难以惠及外来人口紐約時報)


          大学生、熟练技工、其他民工分批落户,” 华西都市报,  20131223, A20


         China's Leaders Push Urbanization as Engine for Growth,” Wall Street Journal, December 15, 2013.


          特大城市落户艱難  專家: 戶改無新意,”  明報,  20131116日,A18.


          中国承认乡二元结构的制约是巨大的进步,” 人民网 20131113


         農民工勢成城市「新巨人」,” 明報 2013119


          UW Professor Devises Reform in Chinese Hukou SystemNW Asian WeeklyOctober 26, 2013.



          大城市户籍改革不能知难而退,” 经济观察网, 2013928  (China's Megacities Must Break the Second-Class Citizen Trap).


          Is Hukou Reform the Key to Reviving China’s Economy?” Wall Street Journal China, August 19, 2013



          专家谈农民工市民化:不能以土地换户口,” 人民网, 2013816


          UW Geographer Devises a Way for China to Resolve its ‘Immigration’ Dilemma,” UW News, August 14, 2013.


          Lovebirds Separate When the Going Gets Rough,” China Daily, August 10, 2013


          The Big Roadblock to China’s ‘Reset’,” seattletimes.com, July 29, 2013.


           Hukou' Policy Pushes Graduates Out of Beijing,” Voice of America, June 5, 2013



            “The Numbers Game”, Science, Vol.340, May 31 2013


          Beijing Puzzles Over Urban Growth,” Wall Street Journal, May 9, 2013.


           陳金永:中國戶口制阻礙都市化世界日报 2013-4-14


           Mao’s Grapes of Wrath,” National Review, April 9, 2013.


           China lanza una masiva campaña de migración del campo a la ciudad,” El Pais, March 30, 2013.


           外媒热议中国城镇化和户籍制度改革,” china.com.cn, 2013-3-16.


           China Focus: The Hukou System,” China Radio International, March 13, 2013.


           Beijing Puzzles Over Urban Growth,” Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2013.


            A Billion Workers Head Home for Chinese New Year,” Scotman, Scotland, February 9, 2013.


            城市梦须改革户籍制度”, 参考消息, 2013-1-23, 116.



            Turning China’s Migrant Workers into Middle Class is Good for the World,” Context China, January 23, 2013.


          China Struggles with Growing Urbanisation,” Al Jazeera, January 1, 2013.



          "China's Imaginary Middle Class", The Wilson Quarterly, December 2012, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.


           Shanghai Teen Barred From School Fights Policy Hurting Millions,” Bloomberg News, December 17, 2012.


           In China, Social Divisions are Written in a Little Red Booklet,” Los Angeles Times, December 12, 2012. 


            China’s Rural Exodus,” BBC, World Service Radio Broadcast "Business Daily" on November 27, 2012.


           Panelist on "Today on Beyond Beijing," China Radio International, November 5, 2012.  (one-hour live discussion on China's hukou system and reforms).


          Urbanization and Economic Growth in China,” China Economic Watch, Peterson Institute for International Economics, USA, September 12, 2012.


          “The Rapid March towards Urbanization,” Alphaville, Financial Times, August 30, 2012.


          “The New Chinese Underclass,” Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall 2012


          Urban Migration for Young Chinese on the Rise,  PBS Newhour, July 12, 2012.



          Moving On Up,” GOOD, June 18, 2012



          "’Left Behind Children’ in China's Countryside,” Foreign Policy, May 1, 2012.


          “The Death of the Countryside” (in Spanish), Proceso (Mexico), April 29, 2012.


          China May Finally Let Its People Move More Freely,  Bloomberg Businessweek, March 15, 2012, pp.21-22.


          Why China's Urbanization Isn't Creating a Middle Class.” The Atlantic (The Cities), February 29, 2012.



         China’s Urbanization Unlikely to Lead to Fast Growth of Middle Class,”  UW Today, February 29, 2012.



         “We Like to Move It Move It,” The Economist, February 25, 2012, p.54.

                       Related link: Videographic of The largest migration in history .


          “The World's Biggest Cities: How Do You Measure Them?” BBC News Magazine, January 28, 2012.

               Related link: “Which is the World’s Biggest Cities?” BBC Radio program More or Less, January 28, 2012



         The Cost of Urbanization,” Agence France-Presse, January 23, 2012



         An Important Hitch in China’s Urban GDP Numbers,” WSJ.com, November 7, 2011.



         中國勞動力短缺所造成的影響,” 美國之音, 2011-10-19.



       China's Rural Poor Left Stranded as Urbanites Race Ahead”, The Guardian, Oct 3, 2011.


     Fast and Furious”, China Economic Review, September 2011, pp.12-13.


         Seattle Firms Plan Senior Housing for China's Booming Elderly Population,” The Seattle Times, September 11, 2011, D1 and D5.


         Plight of the Rat Pack, The Straits Times, September 10, 2011


         China Takes Aim at Rural InfluxNew York Times, August 30, 2011, A1 and A9.


         Bright Lights, Big Questions About China's Urban Legend”, Wall Street Journal, August 1, 2011, C10





         “Declining Chinese Birth Rate Could Doom One-Child Policy,” ScienceInsider, April 28, 2011.


          汕頭老街充滿舊西方的感覺 《星島日報》 2011-4-16, B8


          汕头老骑楼和时间赛跑《星島日報》 2011-4-23B8



          China's Beauty Problem”, Reason.com, February 23, 2011


China's 10 Largest Cities”, PBS Newshour, January 20, 2011.


Shrinking pool of rural workers in the cities,” The Straits Times (Singapore) on January 15, 2011 (also in Taiwan’s The China Post on January 17).


                                          Appearance and commentaries on China’s rural-urban divide in documentary film, Man Zou: Beijing to Shanghai, premiered on Seattle public TV, KTCS, on December 2, 2010.


1.3 Billion Divided by 6.5 Million…” Science, October 22, 2010.


未来中国城镇人口”, 《中国日报》,2010-09-18


城乡一体化:趋势与挑战国际论坛的演讲: 金融危机后中国城市化政策与户籍改革 (2010-8-8)  


Voice of America (Vietnamese radio service), interview on the hukou system in relation to children of Vietnamese brides in China) broadcast on May 3, 2010.


 “Despite China’s Modernization, the Inequitable Hukou System Remains,” Interview by UW A &S Perspectives, February, 2010.


“The True Cost of Holiday Spending” Interview by International Examiner, December 6, 2009


王志浩:中国城市化率之辩《第一财经日报》, 2009-11-4.


BBC World Service, interview on the impact of financial crisis on China’s migrant workers, September 8, 2009.


China's Workers Return to Cities”, BBC News, September 8, 2009.


Thomson-Reuter's Science Watch, “Moving Front” recent highly cited recent article in social sciences, May 2009


USC US-China Institute, “What are China's largest and richest cities?” 2008.





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