MW, 12:30-2:50
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Freud on Wit, Humor, and the Comic Wit We laugh in complicity
with the teller, at a third party (an individual or group-e.g., Clinton,
blondes, Norwegians, women, men). Repressed hostility is directed
at this person or group. Verbal techniques of brevity and surprise-
An example from Woody
Allen's Annie Hall: "Did you hear they've merged the magazines Commentary
Humor We laugh in complicity
with the teller. If anyone, the butt is him/herself. The mechanism
of the gag is to deflect the pain, usually displacing our worry onto something
trivial. Jewish humor and gay humor often direct the aggression onto
the Jew or gay teller him/herself, in order to "forestall" a non-Jew or
straight person's aggression, which would feel worse. Humor usually
uses verbal techniques of brevity and surprise, like wit: e.g., condensation,
displacement, nonsense.
The Comic We laugh at a person's actions, appearance, utterances, movements, which are faulty in some way that allows us to feel superior, and which remove authority or dignity from the person in our eyes. The pleasure here is feeling superior to the comic character in some capacity: knowledge, coordination, etc. Verbally comic: an example
might be some dumb stuff the thugs say in Some Like it Hot.