Miscellaneous model figures

Miscellaneous model figures ...

-> Checking the spectral routines (sgs/spectrum-bloom-subs2.f) -> Some Tropical Instability Wave confusions.

-> Baroclinic mode theoretical stuff (vintage 1993) ....

-> Finding vertical modes in the Gent/Cane model (a really cool idea of Dennis's).

-> From the Battisti version of the Cane/Zebiak ocean model ...

-> A Gent/Cane model run to look at the effect of the 7° TAO wind bias:

-> This is really miscellaneous!
        In these figures, "the model" means Gent and Cane ....

-> Horizontal flow in a few layers (Gent/Cane model).

-> An example of the model blowing up.

-> Figures made comparing the the meridional circulation in MOM2 vs CCSM2.