Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics
Module 13: Bayesian Statistics for Genetics
Instructors: Jon Wakefield and Ken Rice

This page, updated throughout the course, will feature slides from our sessions, and examples for you to try.

Slides and code used in-class

Session 0, Course outline

Session 1, Introductions, motivations for Bayes, overview of Bayesian statistics

Session 2, Review of probability, binomial sampling

Session 3, Binomial sampling continued. R notes [.Rmd, .pdf]

Session 4, Linear models. R script [.R]

Session 5, Multinomial sampling. R notes [.Rmd, .pdf]

Session 6, Model selection and model averaging. R script [.R]

Session 7, Generalized linear models. R notes [.Rmd, .pdf]

Session 8, Meta-analysis No R code for this session

Session 9, Testing and multiple testing [.Rmd, .pdf]

Session 10a, Decision theory
Session 10b, Software
Code illustrating various packages - each example is self-contained

  • ASAgene.txt: Data for Session 2 and 3
  • diagen_bma: Data and posterior simulations for Session 6 - load into an R session with load()
  • yX_FTO: Copy of the FTO data, for Session 6 - load into an R session with load()

Other resources

Some recommended books;