Since 2004, I have been a faculty member in the
Department of Biostatistics
at the
University of Washington. Prior to this, I worked as a postdoc in the
MRC Biostatistics Unit, under the supervision of
David Spiegelhalter, who also advised my PhD work. Going back further, I completed Cambridge's
Diploma in Mathematical Statistics, working with
Doug Easton. My undergraduate training was in mathematics, at
Churchill College, Cambridge. I was elected a
Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2018.
My research focuses primarily on developing and applying statistical methods for complex disease epidemiology, notably cardiovascular disease. I lead the Data Coordinating Center and Analysis Committee for the NHLBI's
TOPMed project, which is collecting and analyzing whole-genome sequence data on participants in existing NHLBI studies. This group is housed at UW's
Genetic Analysis Center, where I also have an active U01 grant. I chair the Analysis Committee for the
CHARGE consortium, a large group of investigators studying genetic determinants of heart and aging outcomes through cohort studies. I am an investigator at UW's
Cardiovascular Health Research Unit. Outside UW, I serve as a member of the External Evaluation Committee for the
TEDDY study, and on the Observational Study Monitoring Board of the
Pediatric Cardiac Genomics Consortium. I am also a statistical editor for the
Journal of the American Heart Association.
I regularly teach
graduate courses in statistics and biostatistics, and short courses in statistical computing, all for audiences of various levels. I also advise several graduate students, often as part of
ongoing collaborations, and am active in UW Biostatistics'
consulting activities.
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