This page links to software developed as part of my collaborations.
R packages
- eshrink, for using shrinkage ideas to improve estimation of causal effects
- GENESIS, for whole genome sequencing studies and related tasks
- AUTests, for extremely fast exact permutation tests and related methods, for binary outcomes in genetic association studies
- Lachesis, for whole genome sequencing studies
- seqMeta, for statistically efficient meta-analysis of results from multiple genetic markers. The methods work for linear, logistic and Cox regression, with unrelated and related subjects
- GWASTools, available from Bioconductor, for storing very large GWAS datasets and their annotation information, and performing GWAS data-cleaning and analysis
- huber.lm, a locally-held zip file - for fitting the "Huber distribution", an outlier-robust modification of the Normal distribution described in Rice and Spiegelhalter 2008
Other software
- This page contains R code, Stata code and links to other software that implement the data visualizations described in my paper on Effective graphs for data display
- WinBUGS the movie (requires Flash). This is an unrated movie, not suitable for children - and some adults! - It's a guide explaining where to point and click when using the WinBUGS software. 'Serious' examples are provided within WinBUGS itself.